172 N.W.2d 27 (Wis. 1969), 148, Burks v. Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations
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172 N.W.2d 27 (Wis. 1969), 148, Burks v. Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations
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Documentos citados
- Wisconsin - 101 N.W.2d 788 (Wis. 1960), Brown v. Industrial Commission
- Wisconsin - 117 N.W.2d 679 (Wis. 1962), Indianhead Truck Lines, Inc. v. Industrial Commission
- Wisconsin - 155 N.W.2d 678 (Wis. 1968), Lewellyn v. Industrial Commission
- Wisconsin - 169 N.W.2d 73 (Wis. 1969), 263, R.T. Madden, Inc. v. Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations
- Wisconsin - 172 N.W.2d 6 (Wis. 1969), 162, Gochenaur v. Gochenaur