166 N.E.2d 765 (Ohio 1960), 36090, Klema v. St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Youngstown
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166 N.E.2d 765 (Ohio 1960), 36090, Klema v. St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Youngstown
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 237 U.S. 648 (1915), 776, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern
- Ohio - 165 N.E. 576 (Ohio 1929), 21334, May Coal Co. v. Robinette
- Ohio - 83 N.E. 601 (Ohio 1908), 10432, Railway Co. v. Van Alstine
- Ohio - 135 N.E.2d 410 (Ohio 1956), 34512, Avellone v. St. John's Hospital
- Ohio - 166 N.E.2d 748 (Ohio 1960), 36400, Gozion v. City of Lakewood