162 A.2d 447 (Md. 1960), 236, Frankel v. City of Baltimore
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162 A.2d 447 (Md. 1960), 236, Frankel v. City of Baltimore
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 277 U.S. 183 (1928), 509, Nectow v. City of Cambridge
- Maryland - 105 A.2d 482 (Md. 1954), 149, City of Baltimore v. Cohn
- Maryland - 116 A.2d 393 (Md. 1955), 180, Walker v. Board of County Com'rs of Talbot County
- Maryland - 137 A.2d 198 (Md. 1957), 79, Marino v. City of Baltimore
- Maryland - 146 A.2d 558 (Md. 1958), 20, Congressional School of Aeronautics, Inc. v. State Roads Commission