157 N.E.2d 823 (Ind. 1959), 29710, Petition for Construction of an Open Ditch in Jackson Tp. to be Known as Gall Ditch
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157 N.E.2d 823 (Ind. 1959), 29710, Petition for Construction of an Open Ditch in Jackson Tp. to be Known as Gall Ditch
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This document cites
- Indiana - 146 N.E. 110 (Ind. 1926), 24,775, Hunsucker v. Montel
- Indiana - 154 N.E. 388 (Ind. 1926), 25,029, Moore v. State
- Indiana - 161 N.E. 628 (Ind. 1928), 24,431, Stroup v. Ferguson
- Indiana - 81 N.E.2d 846 (Ind. 1948), 28366, Myers v. Sell
- Indiana - 98 N.E.2d 657 (Ind. 1951), 28689, McKee v. Hasler