Party Name:
JESSE E. PROCTOR, individually, and as administrator with the will annexed of David A. Dixon, deceased, et al., complainants-appellees, v. HENRY LOWE, COLORED M. E. CHURCH OF SHEPHERDSTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA, THEODORE CARROLL, by his guardian ad litem, FRANCIS P. ROCHE et al., defendants-appellants
Messrs. Grosso, Brundage & Anderson, for the defendants-appellants. Mr. George A. Douglas, for the complainants-appellees.
Judge Panel:
McGlennon, J. For reversal -- The Chief-Justice, Trenchard, Parker, Kalisch, Black, Campbell, Lloyd, Case, Bodine, Van Buskirk, McGlennon, Kays, Hetfield, Dear, JJ. For reversal -- THE CHIEF-JUSTICE, TRENCHARD, PARKER, KALISCH, BLACK, CAMPBELL, LLOYD, CASE, BODINE, VAN BUSKIRK, MCGLENNON, KAYS, H...