142 N.W.2d 628 (Minn. 1966), 39945, Jacobs v. Draper
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142 N.W.2d 628 (Minn. 1966), 39945, Jacobs v. Draper
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This document cites
- Kentucky - 254 S.W.2d 728 (Ky. 1953), Hines v. Westerfield
- Kentucky - 397 S.W.2d 33 (Ky. 1965), Mackey v. Spradlin
- Minnesota - 175 N.W. 108 (Minn. 1919), 21,505, Denson v. McDonald
- Minnesota - 41 N.W. 543 (Minn. 1889), Osborne v. McMasters
- Minnesota - 60 N.W. 669 (Minn. 1894), 8871, Akers v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co.