141 So. 886 (Fla. 1932), Seaboard All-florida Ry. v. Leavitt
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141 So. 886 (Fla. 1932), Seaboard All-florida Ry. v. Leavitt
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 250 U.S. 376 (1919), 319, DeGanay v. Lederer
- Federal Cases - 130 U.S. 559 (1889), Huling v. Kaw Val. Ry. & Imp. Co.
- Georgia - 66 S.E. 540 (Ga.App. 1909), 2,052, John Holland Gold Pen Co. v. Williams & Co.
- Iowa - 101 N.W. 510 (Iowa 1904), In re Estate of Anderson
- Iowa - 147 N.W. 314 (Iowa 1914), 29,345, Sleeper v. Killion