133 A. 920 (N.J.Eq. 1926), In re Application of Hubert
133 A. 920, 99 N.J.Eq. 886
Opinion Judge:
Party Name:
In the matter of the application of JOSEPHINE S. HUBERT et al., from an order to sell lands limited over
Mr. Samuel Craig Cowart, for the appellant. Mr. Harrison P. Lindabury, for the respondent.
Judge Panel:
For affirmance -- Parker, Minturn, Kalisch, Black, Katzenbach, Campbell, White, Gardner, Van Buskirk, McGlennon, Kays, Hetfield, JJ. For affirmance -- PARKER, MINTURN, KALISCH, BLACK, KATZENBACH, CAMPBELL, WHITE, GARDNER, VAN BUSKIRK, MCGLENNON, KAYS, HETFIELD, JJ. 12. For reversal -- None.
Case Date:
Monday May 17, 1926
New Jersey Supreme Court
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