128 N.W.2d 896 (Iowa 1964), 51296, Brown v. Guiter
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128 N.W.2d 896 (Iowa 1964), 51296, Brown v. Guiter
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 263 F.2d 613 (2nd Cir. 1959), 107, White v. Zutell
- Federal Cases - 149 F. 809 (S.D.Ohio 1906), 620, United States v. Sheridan-Kirk Contract Co.
- Iowa - 130 N.W. 372 (Iowa 1911), Woods v. Incorporated Town of Lisbon
- Iowa - 164 N.W. 891 (Iowa 1917), 30541, Jacobs v. City of Cedar Rapids
- Iowa - 175 N.W. 321 (Iowa 1919), 33036, Willis v. Schertz