118 N.W.2d 786 (Minn. 1962), 38680, Swenson v. Zacher
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118 N.W.2d 786 (Minn. 1962), 38680, Swenson v. Zacher
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This document cites
- California - 194 Cal. 28, S. F. 10830, State Compensation Insurance Fund v. Industrial Accident Commission
- Massachusetts - 305 Mass. 500 (1940), Caswell's Case
- Minnesota - 218 N.W. 243 (Minn. 1928), 26,554, Smith v. Mason Brothers Company
- Minnesota - 297 N.W. 19 (Minn. 1941), 32517, Hanson v. Robitshek-Schneider Co.
- Minnesota - 106 N.W.2d 908 (Minn. 1960), 38075, Sweet v. Kolosky