112 S.E.2d 123 (N.C. 1960), 253, Hayes v. Ricard
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112 S.E.2d 123 (N.C. 1960), 253, Hayes v. Ricard
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 245 U.S. 337 (2012), United States v. California Bridge & Construction Company
- North Carolina - 18 N.C. 486 (N.C. 1836), Bennett v. Holmes
- North Carolina - 151 S.E. 266 (N.C. 1930), 639, Hampton v. Rex Spinning Co.
- North Carolina - 189 S.E. 776 (N.C. 1937), 107, Ingle v. Cassady
- North Carolina - 194 S.E. 99 (N.C. 1937), 681, Meacham v. Larus & Bros. Co.