Yale Law Journal

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from October 1991
Last Number: February 2024

Yale University, School of Law
ISSN 0044-0094

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1726

January 01, 1998

  • 'A remedy on paper': the role of law in the failure of city planning in New Haven, 1907-1913.

  • Law and Truth.

  • Most Humble Servants: The Advisory Role of Early Judges.

  • Protecting public rights in private arbitration.

  • March 01, 1998

  • The costs of cigarettes: the economic case for ex post incentive-based regulation.

  • Corporate judgment proofing: a response to Lynn LoPucki's 'The Death of Liability.' (Yale Law Journal, vol. 106, p. 1, 1996)

  • Virtual judgment proofing: a rejoinder.

  • The limits of limits on divorce.

  • The transformation of work and the law of workplace accidents, 1842-1910.

  • Puerto Rico: The Trials of the Oldest Colony in the World.

  • Whose reasonableness counts?

  • Uneasy labeling.

  • April 01, 1998

  • Scientific expert testimony and intellectual due process.

  • Reconceptualizing sexual harassment.

  • A contract theory approach to business bankruptcy.

  • Breaking the rules? Wittgenstein and legal realism.

  • Governing through contract: common law marriage in the nineteenth century.

  • Evidence Law Adrift.

  • This is not a creche.

  • When the taking itself is just compensation.

  • May 01, 1998

  • Regulatory costs of mythic proportions.

  • Assessing punitive damages (with notes on cognition and valuation in law).

  • Judicial partisanship and obedience to legal doctrine: whistleblowing on the federal Courts of Appeals.

  • Sue and be recognized: collecting section 1350 judgments abroad.

  • Disparate impact on death row: M.L.B. and the indigent's right to counsel at capital state postconviction proceedings.

  • Black Codes and broken windows: the legacy of racial hegemony in anti-gang civil injunctions.

  • The Constitution and Criminal Procedure: First Principles.

  • New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution.

  • Picking Federal Judges: Lower Court Selection from Roosevelt Through Reagan.

  • Justifiable limitations on Title VII anti-retaliation provisions.

  • Reducing unjustified sentencing disparity.

  • Private race preferences in family formation.

  • A response to Elizabeth Bartholet.

  • June 01, 1998

  • Empowering investors: a market approach to securities regulation.

  • Freedom of speech and independent judgment review in copyright cases.

  • The ideology of domination: barriers to client autonomy in legal ethics scholarship.

  • The untold story of noncriminal habeas corpus and the 1996 Immigration Acts.

  • Is there a future for future claimants?

  • Rules of engagement.

  • Race, Crime, and the Law.

  • Caring for Justice.

  • When the evidence is the crime.

  • Sentencing and the Fifth Amendment.

  • Affirmative action and legislative purpose.

  • The purpose of purpose analysis.

  • October 01, 1998

  • Markets, democracy, and ethnicity: toward a new paradigm for law and development.

  • Litigating whiteness: trials of racial determination in the Nineteenth-Century South.

  • Desert, utility, and minimum contacts: toward a mixed theory of personal jurisdiction.

  • Re-viewing history: the use of the past as negative precedent in United States v. Virginia.

  • Religion in Politics: Constitutional and Moral Perspectives.