Yale Law Journal

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from October 1991
Last Number: February 2024

Yale University, School of Law
ISSN 0044-0094

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1726

May 01, 2017

  • Machine testimony.

  • Police reform and the dismantling of legal estrangement.

  • Reinterpreting corporate inversions: Non-tax competitions and frictions.

  • Policing through an American prism.

  • October 01, 2017

  • How Qualified Immunity Fails.

  • Stuck! The Law and Economics of Residential Stagnation.

  • Originalism Without Text.

  • Presidential Administration and the Durability of Climate-Consciousness.

  • November 01, 2017

  • Natural Rights and the First Amendment.

  • Title VII's Statutory History and the Sex Discrimination Argument for LGBT Workplace Protections.

  • Competing Exclusionary Rules in Multistate Investigations: Resolving Conflicts of State Search-and-Seizure Law.

  • Uncovering the Codifier's Canon: How Codification Informs Interpretation.

  • January 01, 2018

  • Dangerous Defendants.

  • Government Hacking.

  • The Original Theory of Constitutionalism.

  • Democratizing the FLSA Injunction: Toward a Systemic Remedy for Wage Theft.

  • Tailoring Regimes for a Designer Drug: Developing Civil Liability for Retailers of Synthetic Marijuana.

  • February 01, 2018

  • Judging Ordinary Meaning.

  • How Long Is History's Shadow?

  • Spending Money To Make Money: CBO Scoring of Secondary Effects.

  • Litigation Rulemaking.

  • The Tarnished Golden Rule: The Corrosive Effect of Federal Prevailing-Party Standards on State Reciprocal-Fee Statutes.

  • March 01, 2018

  • The Jurisprudence of Mixed Motives.

  • The De Facto Reporter's Privilege.

  • Pregnancy, Poverty, and the State.

  • Dodd-Frank Is a Pigouvian Regulation.

  • Certification as Sabotage: Lessons from Guantanamo Bay.

  • April 01, 2018

  • The New Law of the Child.

  • Petitioning and the Making of the Administrative State.

  • Pillars of Justice: Lawyers and the Liberal Tradition.

  • Unlocking the Potential of Art Investment Vehicles.

  • May 01, 2018

  • International Lobbying Law.

  • Attorney for the Day: Measuring the Efficacy of In-Court Limited-Scope Representation.

  • Exceptional Judgments: Revising the Terrorism Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

  • Antitrust and Deregulation.

  • Invigorating Vertical Merger Enforcement.

  • Horizontal Mergers, Market Structure, and Burdens of Proof.

  • Horizontal Shareholding and Antitrust Policy.

  • Beyond Brooke Group: Bringing Reality to the Law of Predatory Pricing.

  • Mergers that Harm Sellers.

  • How Antitrust Law Can Make FRAND Commitments More Effective.

  • Multisided Platforms and Antitrust Enforcement.

  • Antitrust Enforcement Against Platform MFNs.

  • June 01, 2018

  • First-Person FOIA.

  • The Obsolescence of Advertising in the Information Age.

  • Why Is It Wrong To Punish Thought?

  • Who Locked Us Up? Examining the Social Meaning of Black Punitiveness: 'Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America'.

  • Reviving the Power of the Purse: Appropriations Clause Litigation and National Security Law.

  • October 01, 2018

  • The New Class Blindness.

  • Transparency's Ideological Drift.