World Watch

COPYRIGHT TV Trade Media, Inc.
COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1993
Last Number: July 2010

Worldwatch Institute
ISSN 0896-0615

This publication is no longer edited.

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1668

September 01, 2009

  • Apples.

  • Trees.

  • Study: biofuels more efficient as electricity source.

  • Violence denies economy trillions, study finds.

  • Public health leaders stress climate risk.

  • Energy leaders launch efficiency partnership.

  • Global bird species in serious decline.

  • China reports 66-percent drop in plastic bag use.

  • Updates.

  • Chemical treaty covers nine additional pollutants.

  • "Black carbon" from wood burning chokes Chilean towns.

  • Saving species, privately: species continue to vanish rapidly despite the vast areas set aside by governments to protect them. Can private biodiversity reserves help?

  • A New Capitalism--or a new world? Here's a non-communist, market-based economic system that's both more democratic and more sustainable than capitalism.

  • Keetwonen: container living.

  • A bridge to the renewable energy future: renewables are coming fast. In the meantime, here's a largely overlooked but potent way to minimize fossil fuel use and the damage it causes.

  • Less stuff, or more blood: the world's rich people must decide whether they want to share the planet's resources, or send their children to kill and die for them.

  • Cogeneration performance and potential.

  • The living earth ethical principles: spreading community.

  • Tooth truths.

  • January 01, 2009

  • Population and location values.

  • Correction.

  • Chinese livestock a growing challenge.

  • U.S. city dwellers flock to raising chickens.

  • Clarification.

  • IPCC chair: climate change severity underreported.

  • Offshore wind power set to expand.

  • Report reveals flawed U.S. e-waste policies.

  • Conservationists push to protect marine areas.

  • Crop crisis.

  • Amazon losses.

  • Hamstrung hydrogen.

  • Native victory.

  • Good oil?

  • Antarctica and climate change; Recent melting in the planet's icebox could spell trouble.

  • Meltdown or Green Deal? The global financial crisis has created an opening for a sustainability revolution.

  • Julia Tier: Reluctant Vegetarian.

  • Polluters' shell game: the worst polluters are hiding their minuscule contribution to the economy.

  • Energy efficiency, rediscovered: climate change and rising energy prices are making efficiency look good--again.

  • Carbon emissions on the rise.

  • Strong growth in compact fluorescent bulbs reduces electricity demand.

  • The Living Earth Ethical Principles: just livelihood and Mindful consumption.

  • July 01, 2008

  • Background.

  • Closing the loop.

  • Environmental impacts.

  • Limits to renewables.

  • North American commission pushes for green building design.

  • Rise in legal philanthropy may help China's environment.

  • EU behind in meeting key environmental targets.

  • More companies discontinuing farm-animal confinement.

  • Arctic melting may lead to expanded oil drilling.