UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 1996
Last Number: June 2023

University of California at Los Angeles, School of Law
ISSN 0733-401X

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 246

June 22, 1998

  • The crafting of the National Low-Emission Vehicle program: a private contract theory of public rulemaking.

  • June 22, 2003

  • Bad policy: CERCLA's amended liability for new purchasers.

  • Smart growth, New Urbanism and diversity: progressive planning movements in America and their impact on poor and minority ethnic populations.

  • Community participation in environmental protection.

  • June 22, 2004

  • Reciprocity of advantage: the antidote to the antidemocratic trend in regulatory takings.

  • Discounting, EPA's nonroad spark-engine rule, and the hidden anti-regulatory agenda of cost-benefit analysis.

  • Small island states in the face of climatic change: the end of the line in international environmental responsibility.

  • Shade-grown coffee plantations in northern Latin America: a refuge for more than just birds & biodiversity.

  • December 22, 2007

  • Climate change, adaptation, and development.

  • Apportioning climate change costs.

  • The challenges of dynamic water management in the American West.

  • Challenges of adapting to a changing climate.

  • Of natmats, terrorists, and toxics: regulatory adaptation in a changing world.

  • The role of U.S. insurance regulators in responding to climate change.

  • Heat waves, global warming, and mitigation.

  • June 22, 2007

  • Poachers with PCs: the United States' potential obligations and ability to enforce endangered wildlife trading prohibitions against foreign traders who advertise on eBay.

  • Protecting environmentally-sensitive areas and promoting tourism in "the back patio of the United States:" thoughts about shared responsibilities in ecosystem and biodiversity protection.

  • Insect conservation under the Endangered Species Act.

  • Probing environmental discretion: an argument for regulating greenhouse gases from motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act.

  • Putting the "and" back in the culture-nature debate: integrated cultural and natural heritage protection.

  • Extraterritorial application of state fishery management regulations under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act: have the courts missed the boat?

  • June 22, 2006

  • Fairness in the air: California's air pollution hearing boards.

  • Back to the drawing board: a proposal for adopting a listed species reporting system under the Endangered Species Act.

  • What's yours can be mine: are there any private takings after Kelo v. City of New London?

  • The steepest hurdle in obtaining a Clean Water Act section 404 permit: complying with EPA's 404(b) (1) guidelines' least environmentally damaging practicable alternative requirement.

  • Energy efficiency in regulated and deregulated markets.

  • December 22, 2000

  • The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act: the correct paradigm of strict liability and the problem of individual causation.

  • The struggle for the self in environmental law: the conversation between economists and environmentalists.

  • All that's gold may not glitter.

  • Transforming California: A Political History of Land Use and Development.

  • December 22, 2001

  • Reconsidering the use of direct democracy in making land use decisions.

  • Takings, torts and turmoil: reviewing the authority requirement of the Just Compensation Clause.

  • What is an environmental expert? The impact of Daubert, Joiner and Kumho Tire on the admissibility of scientific expert evidence.

  • Steller sea lions: the effects of multi-statute administration on the role of science in environmental management.

  • December 22, 2004

  • California Coastal Commission v. Norton: a coastal state victory in the seaweed rebellion.

  • The 2004 Frankel Symposium: shaping environmental policy: science in context: keynote address.

  • What property rights: the California Coastal Commission's history of abusing land rights and some thoughts on the underlying causes.

  • Watershed councils east and west: advocacy, consensus and environmental progress.

  • June 22, 2005

  • Car-free housing developments: towards sustainable smart growth and urban regeneration through car-free zoning, car-free redevelopment, pedestrian improvement districts, and new urbanism.

  • Indigenous Peoples, the Environment, and Law: An Anthology.

  • Trade measures and the environment: can the WTO and UNCLOS be reconciled?

  • Tuna, dolphins, and purse seine fishing in the eastern tropical Pacific: the controversy continues.

  • Does it hold water? Repudiating the "singular entity" or "unitary waters" approach to the Clean Water Act.

  • December 22, 2005

  • Condemnation of low income residential communities under the takings clause.

  • Making sense of Penn Central.

  • Rent control in the new Lochner era.

  • The impact of Tahoe-Sierra on temporary regulatory takings law.

  • December 22, 2006

  • Can Florida's legislative standard of review for small-scale land use amendments be justified?

  • The drinking water security and safety amendments of 2002: is America's drinking water infrastructure safer four years later?

  • The war against biotic invasion - a new challenge of biodiversity conservation for China.