Court of Justice

desde 10 de Noviembre de 1954
Última Sentencia: 27 de Junio de 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 27696

23 de Noviembre de 2023

  • XXX v Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides.

  • Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanţelor Publice Cluj-Napoca and Administraţia Judeţeană a Finanţelor Publice Cluj v SC Westside Unicat.

  • Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 23 November 2023. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Public contracts – Review procedures relating to the award of public contracts – Directive 2014/25/EU – Article 57(3) – Contracting entity having its head office in a Member State other than that of the head office of a central purchasing body acting in its name and on its behalf – Access to the review procedures – Applicable procedural rules and jurisdiction of review bodies.#Case C-480/22.

  • XXX v Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides.

  • Weingut A v Land Rheinland-Pfalz.

  • ZL and Others v Provident Polska S.A.

  • Seven.One Entertainment Group GmbH v Corint Media GmbH.

  • Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas, IP v CS.

  • Kopiosto r.y. v Telia Finland Oyj.

  • Right to Know CLG v An Taoiseach.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona delivered on 23 November 2023.

  • Conclusiones del Abogado General Sr. J. Richard de la Tour, presentadas el 23 de noviembre de 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Ćapeta delivered on 23 November 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Ćapeta delivered on 23 November 2023.

  • Ryanair DAC and Airport Marketing Services Ltd v European Commission.

  • Ryanair DAC v European Commission.

  • Ryanair DAC v European Commission.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Szpunar delivered on 23 November 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Collins delivered on 23 November 2023.

  • 28 de Noviembre de 2023

  • OP v Commune d'Ans.

  • 30 de Noviembre de 2023

  • Comisión Europea contra República de Eslovenia.

  • G.D. and Others v Ministero dell'Istruzione and Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale (INPS).

  • MG v European Investment Bank.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Rantos delivered on 30 November 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Kokott delivered on 30 November 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona delivered on 30 November 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Kokott delivered on 30 November 2023.

  • Ministero dell’Interno, Dipartimento per le Libertà civili e l'Immigrazione – Unità Dublino and Others v CZA and Others.

  • "Sistem ecologica" production, trade and services d.o.o. Srbac v European Commission.

  • 5 de Diciembre de 2023

  • BV NORDIC INFO v Belgische Staat.

  • Deutsche Wohnen SE v Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin.

  • Nacionalinis visuomenės sveikatos centras prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos v Valstybinė duomenų apsaugos inspekcija.

  • Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Others v European Commission.

  • 7 de Diciembre de 2023

  • J.M.P. v AP Assistenzprofis GmbH.

  • RegioJet a. s. and STUDENT AGENCY k.s. v České dráhy a.s. and Others.

  • European Commission v Hungary.

  • Zamestnik-ministar na regionalnoto razvitie i blagoustroystvoto i rakovoditel na Upravlyavashtia organ na Operativna programa „Regioni v rastezh“ 2014-2020 y Zamestnik-ministar na regionalnoto razvitie i blаgoustroystvoto i rakovoditel na Natsionalnia organ po Programa INTERREG V-A Rumania-Bulgaria 2014-2020 contra Obshtina Razgrad y Obshtina Balchik.

  • AS “Latvijas valsts meži” v Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde and Vides pārraudzības valsts birojs.

  • Zamestnik izpalnitelen direktor na Darzhaven fond „Zemedelie“ v IW.

  • SM y otros contra mBank S.A.

  • UF v Land Hessen.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Richard de la Tour delivered on 7 December 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Pikamäe delivered on 7 December 2023.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Collins delivered on 7 December 2023.

  • Syngenta Agro GmbH v Agro Trade Handelsgesellschaft mbH.

  • OQ v Land Hessen.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Pikamäe delivered on 7 December 2023.

  • HV and HW v European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

  • 14 de Diciembre de 2023

  • TL y WE contra Mandataire liquidateur de Getin Noble Bank S.A., anciennement Getin Noble Bank S.A.

  • Comisión Europea contra Rumanía.