State Legislatures

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from May 1992
Last Number: June 2023

National Conference of State Legislatures
ISSN 0147-6041

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 7844

June 01, 1992

  • Reinventing Government.

  • Maybe in my backyard, says counties, tribes.

  • Recession hits Far West and New England hardest.

  • Unused power: legislators ignore technology.

  • Click, beep, shazam! technology comes to the legislature.

  • Public records go electronic.

  • Getting in touch with government.

  • Wrestling over insurance regulation.

  • Welfare reform in the recession.

  • An antidote to federal mandates.

  • May 01, 1992

  • Pollution prevention saves Colorado companies money.

  • Who gets seat 435?

  • The sky-high cost of campaigns.

  • High-tech tools for campaigners.

  • Can workers' comp work?

  • The GM school of reform.

  • Babies behind bars.

  • ... And access for all?

  • March 01, 1993

  • Computer gets new Michigan legislators on track.

  • Colorado's anti-gay legislation is spawning imitators.

  • Federalism at a crossroads.

  • Clintonomics: what's it going to be?

  • Federal entitlement reform and the states.

  • Till violence do us part.

  • Mandating community service: service or servitude?

  • January 01, 1993

  • States, feds, crack down on 'carjacking.' (Anti-Car-Theft Act of 1992) (On First Reading)

  • Our young people don't know right from wrong.

  • The election in perspective.

  • Top issues for 1993: budget, education, health care.

  • Legislatures: our dynamic institutions.

  • Tips for new legislators.

  • Clinton, Congress and change.

  • Passing the buck.

  • Trying to comply with the ADA.

  • The long and winding road to WIPP.

  • February 01, 1993

  • Helping kids, helping families.

  • Change ahead for legislative staffs.

  • From statehouse to schoolhouse.

  • The art of school reform.

  • Sorting out who should do what.

  • April 01, 1993

  • Investigations rock Michigan, Washington legislatures.

  • Medicaid change allows dramatic expansions.

  • Special election will decide fate of tied Wisconsin Senate.

  • The answer is blowing in the wind.

  • Immigrant services: will the feds pay up?

  • A wobbly start for public campaign financing.

  • Regulating the credit reporters.

  • Crooks in charity bingo.

  • Supreme Court asks states to reform punitive damages laws.

  • May 01, 1993

  • Sneaky ways to increase income taxes.