International Law Studies

from January 2002
Last Number: January 2014


Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 325

January 01, 2003

  • II. Counter-Terrorism and the Use of Force in International Law

  • III. Jus Ad Bellum and International Terrorism

  • IV. Commentary-Jus ad Bellum: Robert Turner

  • V. Commentary-jus ad Bellum: William Dalton

  • VI. Discussion-Jus ad Bellum

  • VII. Unlawful Combatancy

  • VIII. The Laws of War in the War on Terror

  • IX. Commentary-Jus in Bello: Charles Garraway

  • X. Commentary-Jus in Bello: Leslie Green

  • XI. Commentary-Jus in Bello: Tony Montgomery

  • XII. Discussion-Jus in Bello

  • XIII. The Legality of Maritime Interception/Interdiction Operations Within the Framework of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM

  • XIV. The Limits of Coalition Cooperation in the War on Terrorism

  • XV. Commentary-Maritime and Coalition Operations: Kenneth O'Rourke

  • XVI. Commentary-Maritime and Coalition Operations: Paul Cronan

  • XVII. Commentary-Maritime and Coalition Operations: Neil Brown

  • XVIII. Commentary-Maritime and Coalition Operations: Jean-Guy Perron

  • XIX. Discussion-Maritime and Coalition Operations

  • XX. International Criminal Law Aspects of the War Against Terrorism

  • XXI. Terrorism: The Proper Law and the Proper Forum?

  • XXII. Commentary-Bringing Terrorists to Justice: Manuel Supervielle

  • XXIII. Commentary-Terrorism and the Problem of Different Legal Regimes: Daniel Helle

  • XXIV. Discussion-Bringing Terrorists to Justice

  • XXV. International Law and the War on Terrorism: The Road Ahead

  • XXVI. Al Qaeda And Taliban Detainees-An Examination of Legal Rights and Appropriate Treatment

  • XXVII. Commentary-The Road Ahead in Afghanistan: James Terry

  • XXVIII. Commentary-The Road Ahead: Nicholas Rostow

  • XXIX. Commentary-The Road Ahead: Michael Saalfeld

  • XXX. Commentary-The Road Ahead: Ronald Winfrey

  • XXXI. Commentary-The Road Ahead: Jane Dalton

  • XXXII. Discussion-The Road Ahead

  • July 01, 2006

  • Foreword

  • Introduction

  • Preface

  • The International Dimensions of Homeland Security

  • Comparative Approaches to Security and Maritime Border Control

  • European and German Security Policy and International Terrorism

  • The Proliferation Security Initiative: Security vs. Freedom of Navigation?

  • Limits on the Use of Force in Maritime Operations in Support of WMD Counter-Proliferation Initiatives

  • The Proliferation Security Initiative in the Maritime Domain

  • Is There a 'New' Law of Intervention and Occupation?

  • Current Issues in Occupation Law: 2003 Civilian Deaths in Baghdad

  • Treatment and Interrogation of Detained Persons

  • Liberation and Occupation: A Commander's Perspective

  • Military Commissions: Old Laws for New Wars

  • Military Commissions: Constitutional, Jurisdictional, and Due Process Requirements

  • Military Commissions-Kangaroo Courts?

  • Using Force Lawfully in the 21st Century

  • The Gulf War: 1990-2004 (And Still Counting)

  • The Right of Self-Defense in the Global Fight against Terrorism