Interior Board of Indian Appeals

from September 04, 1969
Last Document: January 06, 2021

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 4241

March 25, 2008

  • Maldonado, Ruby, Estate of, 46 IBIA 314 (2008)

  • Chosa, Michael v. Midwest Regional Director, 46 IBIA 316 (2008)

  • March 27, 2008

  • LeSage, Alvin Sherwood, Estate of, 46 IBIA 324 (2008)

  • Tsiokawe, Kakwerias, Kanietakeron, and Tehaiento'tha' v. Eastern Regional Director, 46 IBIA 326 (2008)

  • April 15, 2008

  • Castro, Gloria Little Light, Estate of, 47 IBIA 14 (2008)

  • April 17, 2008

  • White Shirt, Rainell v. Acting Rocky Mountain Regional Director, 47 IBIA 17 (2008)

  • April 18, 2008

  • George, Raymond Lloyd, Estate of, 47 IBIA 19 (2008)

  • April 23, 2008

  • Wadena, Darrell v. Midwest Regional Director, 47 IBIA 21 (2008)

  • Wilson, Elmer Jr., Estate of, 47 IBIA 34 (2008)

  • April 24, 2008

  • Jones, James Sr., Estate of, 47 IBIA 36 (2008)

  • April 28, 2008

  • Dumbeck, Wilfred Patrick v. Acting Great Plains Regional Director, 47 IBIA 39 (2008)

  • April 30, 2008

  • Chosa, Michael v. Midwest Regional Director, 47 IBIA 50 (2008)

  • Little Nest, Bernard Charles, Estate of, 47 IBIA 52 (2008)

  • May 09, 2008

  • Hootchew, Eileen June Baker Galloway, Estate of, 47 IBIA 54 (2008)

  • May 20, 2008

  • Angus, George, Estate of, 47 IBIA 57 (2008)

  • Trenton Indian Service Area v. Turtle Mountain Agency Superintendent, 47 IBIA 60 (2008)

  • May 23, 2008

  • White, Celestine S., Estate of, 47 IBIA 73 (2008)

  • May 29, 2008

  • Frederick, Gary v. Acting Great Plains Regional Director, 47 IBIA 85 (2008)

  • June 04, 2008

  • United Keetowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma v. Eastern Oklahoma Regional Director, 47 IBIA 87 (2008)

  • June 10, 2008

  • California Valley Miwok Tribe v. Central California Agency Superintendent, 47 IBIA 91 (2008)

  • June 12, 2008

  • Aitkin County, Minnesota v. Acting Midwest Regional Director, 47 IBIA 99 (2008)

  • June 13, 2008

  • Central New York Fair Business Association, et al. v, Associate Deputy Secretary of the Interior, et al., 47 IBIA 113 (2008)

  • June 24, 2008

  • Blue Thunder, Harry Joseph Sr., Estate of, 47 IBIA 115 (2008)

  • Laws, Charles R. (aka Richard Charles Napelee, aka Richard Charles Laws), Estate of, 47 IBIA 116 (2008)

  • July 03, 2008

  • BASF Catalysts, LLC v. Navajo Regional Director, 47 IBIA 121 (2008)

  • Yakama Nation v. Northwest Regional Director, 47 IBIA 122 (2008)

  • September 04, 1969

  • Bigheart, William, Jr., Estate of (Reprinted Osage Will Decision issued by Tulsa Regional Solicitor), 3 IBIA 293 (1969)

  • November 17, 1969

  • Bigheart, William, Jr., Estate of (Reprinted Osage Will Decision issued by Tulsa Regional Solicitor), 3 IBIA 274 (1969)

  • April 17, 1973

  • Iron Bear, Angeline Takes the Shield Lambert, Estate of, 2 IBIA 1 (1973)

  • April 26, 1973

  • Lion Shows, Neola Agnes Gardner, Estate of, 2 IBIA 16 (1973)

  • May 16, 1973

  • Eusebio, Mariano, Estate of, 2 IBIA 24 (1973)

  • June 05, 1973

  • Robedeaux, William Cecil, Estate of, 2 IBIA 33 (1973)

  • July 19, 1973

  • Bockius, Cyril Dewey, Estate of (Reprinted Osage Will Decision issued by Tulsa Regional Solicitor), 3 IBIA 277 (1973)

  • July 30, 1973

  • Red Eagle, Joseph, Estate of, 2 IBIA 43 (1973)

  • September 13, 1973

  • Abbott, Hiemstennie (Maggie) Whiz, Estate of, 2 IBIA 53 (1973)

  • September 14, 1973

  • Eli, Rose Josephine LaRose Wilson, Estate of, 2 IBIA 60 (1973)

  • September 20, 1973

  • Wanless, Kenneth J., 2 IBIA 70 (1973)

  • October 09, 1973

  • Beavert, Jennie Elsie Eli Johnson Wilson, Estate of, 2 IBIA 74 (1973)

  • October 16, 1973

  • Fisherman, Sophie Iron Beaver, Estate of, 2 IBIA 83 (1973)

  • October 31, 1973

  • Habah, or Mrs. Sam Gray, Estate of, 2 IBIA 88 (1973)

  • November 02, 1973

  • Hah-Tah-E-Yazza, Estate of, 2 IBIA 93 (1973)

  • November 16, 1973

  • Senator, Lloyd Andrew, Estate of, 2 IBIA 102 (1973)

  • Riordan, Minnie May, Estate of, 2 IBIA 98 (1973)

  • December 03, 1973

  • Nahconbe (Bear, Claybear, Ogee), Lisa (Eliza, Liza), Estate of, 2 IBIA 109 (1973)

  • December 11, 1973

  • Cummings, George Mortimer, Estate of, 2 IBIA 112 (1973)

  • Continental Oil Co., 2 IBIA 116 (1973)

  • December 20, 1973

  • Kevern, Frances M. Shively, 2 IBIA 123 (1973)

  • December 27, 1973

  • Obi, Yashake, Estate of, 2 IBIA 135 (1973)

  • January 02, 1974

  • Burkhart, Lillie Morrell, Estate of (Reprinted Osage Will Decision issued by Tulsa Regional Solicitor), 3 IBIA 284 (1974)

  • January 16, 1974

  • Villa Vallerto v. Mildred L.P. Patencio, 2 IBIA 140 (1974)