Houston Journal of International Law

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1997
Last Number: June 2019

Houston Journal of International Law
ISSN 0194-1879

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 456

December 22, 1997

  • The court once again sees the fiction and ignores the truth.

  • March 22, 1997

  • Foreword: national sovereignty and globalization.

  • International law and national sovereignty: the NAFTA and the claims of Mexican jurisdiction.

  • Free trade in the Americas: a perspective from the organization of American states.

  • Allocating legislative competence in the Americas: the early experience under NAFTA and the challenge of hemispheric integration.

  • Strengthening core values in the Americas: regional commitment to democracy and the protection of human rights.

  • Defending democracy through foreign intervention.

  • The international observation of electoral processes: the Mexican experience in 1994.

  • Reconceptualizing sovereignty in the Americas: historical precursors and current practices.

  • International law and the protection of human rights in the inter-American system.

  • The impact of international trade agreements in the legal systems of the American continent.

  • The IMF and the liberalization of capital markets.

  • The impact of globalization on the reform of the state and the law in Latin America.

  • NAFTA's regime for intellectual property: in the mainstream of public international law.

  • Military might versus sovereign right: the kidnapping of Dr. Humberto Alvarez-Machain and the resulting fallout.

  • Insuring a brighter future: the emerging system of Russian insurance law.

  • The European controversy over genetic-engineering patents.

  • Health care for illegal aliens: why it is a necessity.

  • Global Environmental Politics, 2d ed.

  • The Environment and NAFTA: Understanding and Implementing the New Continental Law.

  • September 22, 1997

  • Foreign direct investment in Mexico and the 1994 crisis; a legal perspective.

  • ... Or I'll take my toys and go home: the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996.

  • The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction as applied to non-signatory nations: getting to square one.

  • The time is now for full privatization of PEMEX.

  • Is this the global community, we must be on the bad side of town: international policing of child pornography on the Internet.

  • Wolchover and Heaton-Armstrong on Confession Evidence.

  • The time is now for full privatization of Pemex.

  • If this is the global community, we must be on the bad side of town: international policing of child pornography on the Internet.

  • Wolchover and Heaton-Armstrong on Confession Evidence.

  • January 01, 1998

  • Recent developments in admiralty law in the United States Supreme Court, the Fifth Circuit, and the Eleventh Circuit.

  • The P.R.C.'s negotiable instruments law: an instrument for facilitating private economic activity or monetary control?

  • Who's isolating whom?: Title III of the Helms-Burton Act and compliance with international law.

  • The search for justice in the Former Yugoslavia and beyond: analyzing the rights of the accused under the statute and the rules of procedure and evidence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

  • All's well that ends well: a pragmatic look at international criminal extradition.

  • China: socialism embraces capitalism? An oxymoron for the turn of the century: a study of the restructuring of the securities markets and banking industry in the People's Republic of China in an effort to increase investment capital.

  • December 22, 1998

  • The Texas long-arm statute does not reach French equipment manufacturer (but maybe it should).

  • March 22, 1998

  • Conference on Investing in Russia Under the Law of Production Sharing Agreements.

  • The North American Development Bank: for cleanup or profit?

  • Project finance and privatization: the Bolivian example.

  • The future of hemispheric free trade: towards a unified hemisphere?

  • In re Kasinga: an expansion of the grounds for asylum for women.

  • January 01, 1999

  • The European systems of central banks: quo vadis?

  • PIC, POPs and the MAI apocalypse: our environmental future as a function of investors' rights and chemical management initiatives.

  • Connecting currents: toward the integration of North American electricity markets.

  • Send me your money: controlling international terrorism by restricting fundraising in the United States.

  • March 22, 1999

  • Recent developments in admiralty law in the United States Supreme Court, the Fifth Circuit, and the Eleventh Circuit.

  • Democracy, judicial reform, the rule of law and environmental justice in Mexico.

  • What's the connection? Vietnam, the rule of law, human rights and antitrust.

  • Fallen tiger: the story of Thailand's currency devaluation in 1997.

  • Where the United States goes the world will follow - won't it?