Government Finance Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 1991
Last Number: June 2023

Government Finance Officers Association
ISSN 0883-7856

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3752

December 01, 1998

  • Year 2000 readiness of state and local governments: findings from the GFOA/MBIA Survey.

  • Meeting the Y2K challenge.

  • Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility's Year 2000 Remediation Project.

  • Technology architecture choices for enterprise financial systems.

  • Trends in infrastructure funding: the other Year 2000 problem.

  • Public-sector defined contribution plans: lessons from seven governments.

  • Competitive contracting for wastewater treatment.

  • Managing the media: a primer for finance officers.

  • Technological change and tax policy: the future of state and local tax structures.

  • The Year 2000 problem: a public plan perspective.

  • An open letter from the SEC Chairman.

  • Measuring and forecasting debt capacity: the state of Oregon experience.

  • Implementing multi-year budgeting in the City of Moreno Valley, California.

  • Creating High-Performance Government Organizations: A Practical Guide for Public Managers.

  • The Wealth of Cities.

  • August 01, 1999

  • The rise of ERP technology in the public sector.

  • System selection strategies for county governments: the experience of Cook County, Illinois.

  • Process redesign: is it worth it?

  • Designing change management strategies for ERP systems: observations from Alameda County, California.

  • Rapid ERP implementation: the Tuolumne County, California experience.

  • Phased ERP implementation: the City of Des Moines experience.

  • Strategy and execution of ERP upgrades.

  • The future of ERP in the public sector.

  • Reengineering a large-scale finance department.

  • Cash management technology for small governments.

  • Electronic government conference sets the tone for the future.

  • Solving the puzzle of ERP technology: FAQs and answers.

  • Flow control and Congress: the sequel.

  • Cash balance pension plans: will the public sector follow the private-sector stampede?

  • The Future of State Taxation.

  • December 01, 1999

  • From the President.

  • Another Y2K Alert.

  • Senate to Simplify Wireless Telephone Taxes.

  • Texas Lowers Internet Access Taxes.

  • Investor Relations Cut Borrowing Costs.

  • Safety Concerns Arise in Cyberspace.

  • Technology's Total Cost of Ownership.

  • Households, Businesses Borrowing More.

  • Limiting Ways to Avoid Voter Approval for Bonds.

  • Arizona DMV Automates Transactions.

  • Alabama Voters Reject State Lottery.

  • Fed Urges Tighter Lending Standards.

  • Government Employment Grows at All Levels.

  • Cities in Good Shape Fiscally.

  • Public Support for Infrastructure Financing: The Arkansas Bond Referendum Experience.

  • Analysis of the Call Feature on Municipal Debt.

  • Measuring Municipal Default Risk.

  • New York City and Retail Bond Order Periods: Getting to the Core of Big Apple Finance.

  • Urban Revitalization and Tax Increment Financing in Chicago.

  • Addressing Unfunded Pension Liability: Pension Bonds in the City of Philadelphia.