Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 2002
Last Number: March 2023

Columbia University -- JGL
ISSN 1062-6220

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 406

September 22, 2006

  • Discussion lines on gender and transitional justice: an introductory essay reflecting on the ICTJ Bellagio workshop on gender and transitional justice *.

  • September 01, 2003

  • Why a Feminist Law Journal? Introduction to the issue.

  • Thinking about feminism, social justice, and the place of feminist law journals: a letter to the editors.

  • June 22, 2009

  • Introduction.

  • Decisional dignity: teenage abortion, bypass hearings, and the misuse of law.

  • Reproductive rights as health care rights.

  • The meaning of "life": belief and reason in the abortion debate.

  • Quasi-colonial bodies: an analysis of the reproductive lives of poor black and racially subjugated women.

  • In the name of fetal protection: why American prosecutors pursue pregnant drug users (and other countries don't).

  • September 22, 2009

  • "Who's the man?": Masculinities studies, Terry stops, and police training.

  • Rape, incest, and Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird': on Alabama's legal construction of gender and sexuality in the context of racial subordination.

  • Toys are us: sex toys, substantive due process, and the American way.

  • January 01, 2009

  • Privacy, property, and public sex.

  • Gender violence and work: reckoning with the boundaries of sex discrimination law.

  • Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't: de-legitimization of women's agency in Commonwealth v. Woodward.

  • Redefining the baseline: reasonable efforts, family preservation, and parenting foster children in New York.

  • Harboring concerns: the problematic conceptual reorientation of juvenile prostitution adjudication in New York.

  • Morse v. Frederick's new perspective on schools' basic educational missions and the implications for gay-straight alliance First Amendment jurisprudence.

  • Making mommies: law, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, and the complications of pre-motherhood.

  • January 01, 2010

  • Introduction.

  • Martha Nussbaum, essentialism, and human sexuality.

  • Theorizing and litigating the rights of sexual minorities.

  • Feminism as liberalism: a tribute to the work of Martha Nussbaum.

  • From Disgust to Humanity: Sexual Orientation and Constitutional Law.

  • Legal theory and gendered history.

  • Queer relations: a reading of Martha Nussbaum on same-sex marriage.

  • Strategic gendering as capability: one lens into the complexity of powerlessness.

  • Who secures women's capabilities in Martha Nussbaum's quest for social justice?

  • Creating collective capabilities: women, agency and the politics of representation.

  • Liberalism, development, and gender: responses to the papers.

  • June 22, 2010

  • Race treason: the untold story of America's ban on polygamy.

  • Finding the fundamental: shaping identity in gender and sexual orientation based asylum claims.

  • Criminalizing coerced submission in the workplace and in the academy.

  • Saving children or blaming parents? Lessons from mandated parenting classes.

  • What is forced marriage? Towards a definition of forced marriage as a crime against humanity.

  • September 22, 2010

  • Introduction.

  • T: appending transgender equal rights to gay, lesbian and bisexual equal rights.

  • Dangerous terrain: mapping the female body in Gonzales v. Carhart.

  • "We've had three of them": addressing the invisibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and gender nonconforming youths in the juvenile justice system.

  • Brides without borders: new topographies of violence and the future of law in an era of transnational citizen-subjects.

  • The political behavior of Indian American women: gendered and generational perspectives on race, immigration and socio-economic status.

  • When your attorney is your enemy: preliminary thoughts on ensuring effective representation for queer youth.

  • Taking initiatives: reconciling race, religion, media and democracy in the quest for marriage equality.

  • January 01, 2011

  • Situating feminism, patent law, and the public domain.

  • Family law scholarship goes to court: functional parenthood and the case of Debra H. v. Janice R.

  • September 22, 2011

  • Rules for radical lawyers: advancing the abortion rights of inmates.

  • Correcting myopia in domestic violence advocacy: moving forward in lawyering and law school clinics.

  • December 22, 2010

  • Forced marriage and the exoticization of gendered harms in United States asylum law.

  • Towards a theory of state visibility: race, poverty, and equal protection.

  • From violence against women to women's violence in Haiti.