Arizona Capitol Times

COPYRIGHT BridgeTower Media Holding Company, LLC

COPYRIGHT Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from September 12, 2003
Last Document: October 20, 2023

ISSN 0744-7477

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 5696

March 04, 2019

  • House approves bill to allow loaded guns inside cars on school campuses.

  • The Week of February 25, 2019.

  • Pediatrician told me shut your mouth' on vaccination question.

  • Jennifer Pawlik: A 3-year, overnight success.

  • The Breakdown: No ragrets.

  • March 05, 2019

  • But we love circuses.

  • Local elected officials face fines for opposition of Prop. 127.

  • State's chief justice to retire, leaves Ducey with 5th pick to Supreme Court.

  • Feds seek governors' input on drought plan as deadline missed.

  • March 06, 2019

  • Ethics chairman says Stringer not entitled to hearing before committee.

  • Speaking of 'people who should not be voting'.

  • Proposed restriction on use of mugshots moves step closer to law.

  • Don't make measles great again in Arizona.

  • Costly Consequences: The Irony of the Equal Rights Amendment.

  • March 07, 2019

  • Come one, come all, to Dept of Corrections' carnival.

  • It is time for legislators to even the field on sales tax.

  • March 08, 2019

  • Arizona lawmaker to spend 1 day in jail for drunken driving.

  • Invest in Ed coalition leaders oppose GOP sales tax increase.

  • Vehicle license fee to play major role in budget talks.

  • Political baggage burdens Montgomery's Supreme Court quest.

  • March 11, 2019

  • What the Legislature gives, it can take away.

  • Why are legislators pushing billions of dollars in tax hikes despite record revenues?

  • Hurt feelings over herd immunity?

  • Bill to study ways to prevent violence against indigenous women to get vote.

  • Joanne Osborne: From cookies to diamonds.

  • Amazon-inspired bill to halt company tax incentives appears dead.

  • The Breakdown: Livin' on a prayer.

  • March 12, 2019

  • House passes bill to cap vehicle registration fee.

  • Changes to criminal code must be intelligent, informed and incremental.

  • March 13, 2019

  • ERA measure debated in Senate, fails to advance.

  • There is no Irony in The Equal Rights Amendment.

  • HB 2721 gives voters in small towns a voice.

  • After nearly a century, why are we still fighting for the ERA?

  • The border crisis is more real than ever.

  • Republican lawmaker prompts state investigation of Tempe ban on dark money.

  • March 14, 2019

  • State Bar closes Stringer investigation without misconduct finding.

  • Co-pay accumulator' means a dollar isn't worth a dollar.

  • Senate bill could scratch 200K voters from early voter list.

  • March 15, 2019

  • Central Avenue, Phoenix c. 1928.

  • Politics, tempers derail bipartisanship in House.

  • SB1305 eliminates unfair advantage for peer-to-peer car rentals.

  • March 18, 2019

  • Senate passes bill that protects political signs.

  • Bills are dangerous attacks on public lands.

  • HB2523 - Stop Undermining the Will of Arizona's Voters.

  • Trump's choice for Interior Secretary is fox at hen house.

  • Democrats kill bill to fund school supplies.

  • Bob Broscheid: Outdoorsman takes State Parks helm.

  • March 19, 2019

  • Ethics committee to consider Stringer requests.

  • Supreme Court questions prosecutor on legality of marijuana extracts as medicine.

  • Car-sharing app users don't seek free ride.