Court of Appeals of Black Lung Complaints

from January 26, 1989
Last Document: October 24, 2023

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 11608

March 27, 1992

  • Reese v. Consolidation Coal Co., 032792 BLCA, 88-3990 BLA

  • April 16, 1992

  • Wright v. Classic Coal Corp., 041692 BLCA, 89-1475 BLA

  • April 21, 1992

  • Veronesi v. Consolidation Coal Co., 042192 BLCA, 89-2815 BLA

  • April 22, 1992

  • Darden v. Newport News Shipbuilding, 042292 BLCA, 90-1178

  • Bednar v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 042292 BLCA, 88-1681 BLA

  • Smalske v. USX Corp., 042292 BLCA, 89-1459 BLA

  • April 27, 1992

  • Petrush v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 042792 BLCA, 90-2220 BLA

  • April 28, 1992

  • Beverly v. General Trucking Corp., 042892 BLCA, 89-5019 BLA

  • April 29, 1992

  • Harvey v. Westmoreland Coal Co., 042992 BLCA, 88-3581 BLA

  • April 30, 1992

  • Rose v. Elkins Energy Corp., 043092 BLCA, 91-1509 BLA

  • Cort v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 043092 BLCA, 91-1264 BLA

  • May 01, 1992

  • Lopez v. The Pittsburgh & Midway Coal Mining Co., 050192 BLCA, 89-2071 BLA

  • May 20, 1992

  • Ruth v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 052092 BLCA, 88-3661 BLA

  • May 22, 1992

  • Prater v. Sovereign Coal Co., 052292 BLCA, 88-0356 BLA

  • May 27, 1992

  • Williams v. Westmoreland Coal Co., 052792 BLCA, 89-2570 BLA

  • Bandy v. Consolidation Coal Co., 052792 BLCA, 90-1912 BLA

  • Ray v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 052792 BLCA, 90-1974 BLA

  • Money v. Nally and Hamilton Enterprises, Inc., 052792 BLCA, 90-0619 BLA

  • May 28, 1992

  • Pettry v. Peabody Coal Co., 052892 BLCA, 90-0961 BLA

  • Wathen v. Peabody Coal Co., 052892 BLCA, 90-2128 BLA

  • Holsapple v. Big Ten Corp., 052892 BLCA, 88-3626 BLA

  • May 29, 1992

  • Clark v. Island Creek Coal Co, 052992 BLCA, 91-0470 BLA

  • Brown v. Cedar Coal Co., 052992 BLCA, 90-1566 BLA

  • June 12, 1992

  • Ball v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 061292 BLCA, 89-0161 BLA

  • June 18, 1992

  • Johnson v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 061892 BLCA, 88-1160 BLA-A

  • June 26, 1992

  • Napier v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 062692 BLCA, 90-1009 BLA

  • Rakes v. Armco, Inc., 062692 BLCA, 87-3370 BLA

  • June 29, 1992

  • Williams v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 062992 BLCA, 90-1845 BLA

  • July 09, 1992

  • Conway v. Alabama By-Products Corp., 070992 BLCA, 88-3334 BLA

  • July 16, 1992

  • Little v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 071692 BLCA, 91-0333 BLA

  • July 20, 1992

  • Ashe v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 072092 BLCA, 89-2906 BLA

  • July 27, 1992

  • Yarnell v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 072792 BLCA, 86-2606 BLA

  • July 28, 1992

  • Blair v. R & E Coal Co., 072892 BLCA, 88-1054 BLA

  • July 29, 1992

  • Necessary v. Westmoreland Coal Co., 072992 BLCA, 88-0778 BLA

  • Gray v. Collieries, 072992 BLCA, 88-2964 BLA

  • July 30, 1992

  • Stanley v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 073092 BLCA, 90-1006 BLA

  • August 11, 1992

  • Keefer v. Kocher Coal Co., 081192 BLCA, 91-0443 BLA

  • August 18, 1992

  • Clevinger v. Harman Mining Corp., 081892 BLCA, 88-2575 BLA

  • August 21, 1992

  • Fleming v. Standard Sign and Signal Co., 082192 BLCA, 89-1963 BLA

  • August 27, 1992

  • Conner v. Consolidation Coal Co., 082792 BLCA, 88-1204 BLA

  • August 28, 1992

  • Graley v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 082892 BLCA, 90-2295 BLA

  • September 17, 1992

  • Wallace v. The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., 091792 BLCA, 92-1156 BLA

  • September 18, 1992

  • Marshall v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 091892 BLCA, 91-1437 BLA

  • September 24, 1992

  • Carpenter v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 092492 BLCA, 90-0599 BLA

  • Harris v. Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 092492 BLCA, 90-1965 BLA

  • September 25, 1992

  • Dalrymple v. Peabody Coal Co., 092592 BLCA, 89-2593 BLA

  • East v. Island Creek Coal Co., 092592 BLCA, 90-0159 BLA

  • Spensko v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 092592 BLCA, 86-2697 BLA

  • October 01, 1992

  • Pratt v. Cramer Reclamation, Inc., 100192 BLCA, 88-2937 BLA

  • Edwards v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 100192 BLCA, 88-2397 BLA