Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 11481

April 25, 2024

  • Sec. 13-66 Alcoholic Beverages—retail

  • Sec. 13-69 Same—certain Exhibitions and Performances Exempt From License Tax

  • Sec. 13-68 Amusements—not Otherwise Taxed

  • Sec. 13-67 Same—wholesalers

  • Sec. 13-67.5 Adult Businesses

  • Sec. 13-71 Same—billiard and Pool Tables

  • Sec. 13-70 Same—bagatelle Tables, Merry-go-rounds, Etc

  • Sec. 13-72 Same—bowling Alleys

  • Sec. 13-73 Same—carnival Companies, Etc

  • Sec. 13-76 Same—moving Picture Shows

  • Sec. 13-75 Same—electronic Video Games

  • Sec. 13-77 Same—outdoor Theaters

  • Sec. 13-74 Same—circuses, Menageries, Wild West, Dog And/or Pony Shows, Etc

  • Sec. 13-77.1 Same—selling, Leasing Or Furnishing Videos

  • Sec. 13-78 Automobiles and Service Stations

  • Sec. 13-79 Barbershops, Beauty Shops, Etc

  • Sec. 13-80 Bicycle Dealers

  • Sec. 13-83 Contractors and Construction Companies—generally

  • Sec. 13-82 Collection Agencies

  • Sec. 13-81 Branch Or Chain Stores

  • Sec. 13-81.1 Campgrounds, Trailer Courts, Tent Camping, Etc

  • Sec. 13-86 Same—miscellaneous

  • Sec. 13-84 Same—plumbers, Heating Contractors, and Electricians

  • Sec. 13-87 Emigrant and Employment Agents

  • Sec. 13-85 Same—installing Elevators and Automatic Sprinkler Systems

  • Sec. 13-90 Hazardous Waste Facility

  • Sec. 13-88 Exhibition Shows

  • Sec. 13-91 Hotels, Motels, Boardinghouses, Roominghouses, Tourist Homes and Tourist Courts

  • Sec. 13-89 Express Companies

  • Sec. 13-92 Ice Cream Manufacturers, Dealers, Etc

  • Sec. 13-95 Lumberbrokers

  • Sec. 13-94 Loan Agencies Or Brokers

  • Sec. 13-93 Laundries

  • Sec. 13-97 Manufacturers' Agents and Offices

  • Sec. 13-98 Motorcycle Dealers

  • Sec. 13-96 Manufacturers

  • Sec. 13-99 Motor Vehicles

  • Sec. 13-102.1 Panhandlers

  • Sec. 13-101 Persons Selling Certain Oils

  • Sec. 13-100 Music Machines

  • Sec. 13-102 Outdoor Advertising

  • Sec. 13-105 Pianos, Organs, Victrolas, Records, Radios, Accessories

  • Sec. 13-103 Pawnbrokers

  • Sec. 13-104 Peddlers, Itinerant Merchants, and Mobile Food Vendor, Motorized Or Mobile Food Vendor, Pushcart

  • Sec. 13-103.1 Reserved

  • Sec. 13-107 Restaurants

  • Sec. 13-106 Pressing Clubs, Dry Cleaning Plants, and Hat Blockers

  • Sec. 13-109 Security Dealers

  • Sec. 13-108 Retailers and Wholesalers

  • Sec. 13-111.2 Specialty Market Vendor