ABA General Library

The Lawyer's Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies. Smart Ways to Work Together

American Bar Association, 2008
ISBN 978-1-59031-979-6

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 39

January 01, 2008

  • About the Authors

  • Acknowledgments

  • Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Chapter 2: Collaboration at the Crossroads

  • Chapter 3: Collaboration Inside the Office

  • Chapter 4: Collaboration Outside the Office

  • Chapter 5: First Steps

  • Chapter 6: Benefits of Improving Document Collaboration and Using Document Collaboration Tools

  • Chapter 7: Basic Collaboration on Documents

  • Chapter 8: Creating a Document Online: Getting Started with the Major Players

  • Chapter 9: Working Simultaneously on a Document

  • Chapter 10: Hidden Dangers, Security, and Metadata

  • Chapter 11: Benefits of Collaboration in Lawsuits and Transactions

  • Chapter 12: Instant Collaboration?from Conference Calls to Instant Messaging

  • Chapter 13: How to Hold a Meeting on the Internet

  • Chapter 14: Simple Project Management: Basecamp

  • Chapter 15: Setting Up a Simple Extranet or Deal Room

  • Chapter 16: Email as a Platform

  • Chapter 17: SharePoint

  • Chapter 18: Collaborating Inside and Outside the Office: Extranets and Intranets

  • Chapter 19: Adobe Acrobat

  • Chapter 20: Wikis: Web Collaboration

  • Chapter 21: Other Web 2.0 Collaboration Tools

  • Chapter 22: Specialized, High-End, and Alternative Collaboration Platforms

  • Chapter 23: Must-Have Features for Your Collaboration Tools

  • Chapter 24: Collaboration Tools: Free vs. Pay

  • Chapter 25: Involving Clients in Your Decisions and Choices

  • Chapter 26: Determining Which Factors Will Drive Your Strategic Planning

  • Chapter 27: Getting the Word Out to Your Collaborators

  • Chapter 28: Ethics, Metadata, and Other Practical Issues

  • Chapter 29: Ownership, Control, and Other Legal Issues

  • Chapter 30: Potential Pitfalls of Collaboration: Where to Be Wary

  • Chapter 31: Implementing Collaboration Tools

  • Chapter 32: Recommended Choices for Common Scenarios: From Solos to Large Firms

  • Chapter 33: Creating a Culture of Collaboration

  • Chapter 34: The Future of Collaboration in the Practice of Law

  • Appendix 1: Glossary

  • Appendix 2: Collaboration Resources

  • Appendix 3: Tools by Category