Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3269

January 01, 2021

  • 30-50-100 Agency - Scope of Agent's Authority

  • 20-140-40 Definition of a Merchant

  • 20-140-55 Breach of Express Warranty - Elements

  • 20-140-80 Implied Warranty For Fitness For a Particular Purpose

  • 30-50-120 Agency - Principal's Liability For Agent's Acts Under Ostensible/apparent Authority

  • 30-50-110 Agency - Principal's Liability For Agent's Negligent Acts

  • 20-140-70 Implied Warranty of Merchantability

  • 30-50-130 Agency - Principal's Liability For Agent's Deceit Under Ostensible/ Apparent Authority

  • 20-140-60 Statement of Opinion

  • 30-50-140 Agency - Principal and Agent Sued - Agency Not Issue - Principal Liability Based On Agent Liability

  • 20-140-110 Effect of Buyer's Examination

  • 20-140-100 Effect of Improper Use

  • 20-140-90 Implied Warranty of Wholesomeness - Food and Bottled Beverages

  • 30-50-150 Agency - Principal and Agent Sued - Agency Denied -principal Sued Under Respondeat Superior Only

  • 30-50-160 Agency - Principal Sued, But Not Agent-no Issue As to Agency

  • 20-140-140 Effect of Use After Defect Is Or Should Be Known

  • 30-50-155 Agency - Principal and Agent Sued -scope of Authority Denied - Principal Sued Under Respondeat Superior Only

  • 30-50-170 Agency - Principal Sued, But Not Agent - Agency Denied - Principal Sued Under Respondeat Superior Only

  • 20-140-150 Notice of Breach of Warranty

  • 20-140-120 Exclusion Or Modification of Express Warranties

  • 20-140-130 Disclaimer of Implied Warranties - Merchantability and Fitness

  • 20-150-30 Lender Liability-fiduciary Duty-definition-breach

  • 20-150-10 Lender Liability-fiduciary Duty-definition

  • 20-150-20 Lender Liability-fiduciary Duty-elements of Fiduciary Relationship

  • 20-160-10 Assault-definition

  • 30-50-175 Agency - Principal Sued, But Not Agent - Scope of Authority Denied - Principal Sued Under Respondeat Superior Only

  • 30-50-180 Employment - Deviation By Agent From Scope of Employment

  • 30-50-190 Ultrahazardous Activity

  • 20-170-10 Conversion-definition

  • 20-170-20 Conversion-elements

  • 20-160-20 Battery-definition

  • 30-50-220 Partnership - Liability of Partner - No Issue As to Partnership, Agency, Or Scope of Authority

  • 30-50-210 Partnership - Definition

  • 30-50-200 Employment - a Corporation Acts Through Its Employees

  • 20-180-10 Inducing Breach of Contract-elements of Liability (withdrawn With Comment)

  • 20-180-20 Unjustified Act of Interference - Definition

  • 30-50-250 Independent Contractor Or Agent

  • 20-190-20 Justified Or Unjustified Interference-definition

  • 30-50-240 Partnership - Existence of Relationship and Scope of Authority In Issue - Consequence of Partnership

  • 30-50-230 Partnership - Existence Admitted - Acting In Ordinary Course And/or Scope of Authority In Issue - Consequence of Partnership

  • 20-200-00 Statute Or Ordinance - Violation - Introduction

  • 20-190-10 Interference With Business Relationship Or Expectancy

  • 30-50-260 Independent Contractor - Definition

  • 30-50-270 Joint Venture - Elements

  • 20-200-10 Statute Or Ordinance - Violation By Defendant - Negligence

  • 20-200-30 Statute Or Ordinance - Violation By Plaintiff - Contributory Negligence

  • 20-200-40 Statute Or Ordinance - Violation By Plaintiff - Contributory Negligence - Excusable Violation

  • 20-200-20 Statute Or Ordinance - Violation By Defendant - Negligence - Excusable Violation

  • 20-210-10 Vehicles - Duty of Driver Using Highway

  • 20-210-20 Vehicles - Right of Way - Intersections