Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 337

January 01, 2019

  • Rule 25. Procedural Rights of Judges

  • Rule 26. Amendments to Notice of Formal Proceedings Or the Response to the Notice of Formal Proceedings

  • Rule 24. Conduct of Hearing

  • Rule 15. Notice of Formal Proceedings

  • Rule 23. Admissible Evidence and Depositions

  • Rule 27. Hearing Additional Evidence

  • Rule 37. Commission Representation Before the Supreme Court

  • Rule 34. Removal, Retirement Or Discipline

  • Rule 33. Non-disciplinary Dispositions

  • Rule 36. Certification of Commission Recommendation to Supreme Court

  • Rule 35. Seizure of Property

  • Rule 32. Temporary Suspension and Other Interim Relief

  • Rule 38. Jurisdiction

  • January 01, 2023

  • Rule 32. Conduct of Hearing On the Merits

  • Rule 33. Dismissal

  • Rule 34. Stipulation

  • Rule 35. Non-disciplinary Disposition

  • Rule 36. Recommendations For Discipline, Removal, Or Retirement

  • Rule 37. Preparation and Filing of the Record of Proceedings

  • Rule 9. Motions, Filings With the Commission and Communications With the Commission Or Presiding Officer

  • Rule 8. Computation and Extension of Time

  • Rule 12. No Stay Pending Collateral Proceedings

  • Rule 10. Contempt

  • Rule 11. Duty to Cooperate

  • Rule 13. Costs and Attorney Fees

  • Rule 14. Immunity

  • Rule 1. Authority, Application, Purposes and Other Rules

  • Rule 2. Definitions

  • Rule 3. Jurisdiction

  • Rule 4. Organization and Administration of the Commission

  • Rule 5. Authority of the Commission

  • Rule 6. Confidentiality and Privilege

  • Rule 7. Service

  • Rule 15. Commencement of Proceedings

  • Rule 16. Service Upon a Judge and Response By a Judge

  • Rule 17. Initial Disclosures

  • Rule 18. Additional Investigation

  • Rule 19. Conference With the Commission

  • Rule 20. Recommended Disposition

  • Rule 21. Amendments to Notices of Formal Proceedings and Responses

  • Rule 22. Consolidation

  • Rule 23. Medical Examinations, Psychological Evaluations, and Drug and Alcohol Testing

  • Rule 24. Immediate Temporary Suspension and Other Interim Relief

  • Rule 25. Guardian Ad Litem

  • Rule 26. Appointment of Presiding Officer

  • Rule 27. Scheduling Order

  • Rule 28. Discovery

  • Rule 29. Pre-hearing Motions

  • Rule 30. Time and Place of Hearing

  • Rule 31. Failure to Respond Or Appear