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January 01, 2024

  • Rule 8.090. Speedy Trial

  • Rule 8.110. Adjudicatory Hearings

  • Rule 8.115. Disposition Hearing

  • Rule 8.085. Prehearing Motions and Service

  • Rule 8.130. Motion For Rehearing

  • Rule 8.135. Correction of Disposition Or Commitment Orders

  • Rule 8.150. Contempt

  • Rule 8.015. Arraignment of Detained Child

  • Rule 8.025. Style of Pleadings and Orders

  • Rule 8.013. Detention Petition and Order

  • Rule 8.010. Detention Hearing

  • Rule 8.035. Petitions For Delinquency

  • Rule 8.002. Definitions

  • Rule 8.041. Witness Attendance and Subpoenas

  • Rule 8.145. Supersedeas On Appeal

  • Rule 8.003. Family Law Cover Sheet

  • Rule 8.095. Procedure When Child Believed to Be Incompetent Or Insane

  • Rule 8.100. General Provisions For Hearings

  • Rule 8.120. Post-disposition Hearing

  • Rule 8.040. Process

  • Rule 8.031. Petition For Parental Sanctions

  • Rule 8.055. Orders

  • Rule 8.060. Discovery

  • Rule 8.105. Waiver of Jurisdiction

  • Rule 8.140. Extraordinary Relief

  • Rule 8.165. Providing Counsel to Parties

  • Rule 8.230. Pleadings to Be Signed

  • Rule 8.231. Providing Counsel to Dependent Children With Special Needs Who Have a Statutory Right to Counsel

  • Rule 8.235. Motions

  • Rule 8.240. Computation, Continuance, Extension, and Enlargement of Time

  • Rule 8.250. Examinations, Evaluation, and Treatment

  • Rule 8.255. General Provisions For Hearings

  • Rule 8.257. General Magistrates

  • Rule 8.276. Appeal Procedures

  • Rule 8.530. Parent's Motion Claiming Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Following Order Terminating Parental Rights

  • Rule 8.535. Postdisposition Hearings

  • Rule 8.540. Motion to Reinstate Parental Rights

  • Rule 8.601. Commencement of Proceedings

  • Rule 8.603. Application of Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act

  • Rule 8.610. Parties

  • Rule 8.615. Providing Counsel to Parties

  • Rule 8.315. Arraignments and Prehearing Conferences

  • Rule 8.292. Appointment and Discharge of Surrogate Parent

  • Rule 8.286. Civil Contempt

  • Rule 8.290. Dependency Mediation

  • Rule 8.320. Providing Counsel to Parties

  • Rule 8.330. Adjudicatory Hearings

  • Rule 8.325. Answers and Pleadings

  • Rule 8.332. Order Finding Dependency

  • Rule 8.410. Approval of Case Plans