Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 395

January 01, 2024

  • Rule 6.580. Deleted

  • Rule 6.590. Failure to Complete Driver Improvement Course; Reinstatement of Driver License

  • Rule 6.570. Reporting Action Requiring Suspension of Driver License

  • Rule 6.560. Conviction of Traffic Infraction

  • Rule 6.160. Practice As In Criminal Rules

  • Rule 6.165. Complaint; Summons; Form; Use

  • Rule 6.620. Failure to Appear For Mandatory Hearing; Reinstatement of Driver License

  • Rule 6.630. Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer Program; Traffic Hearing Officers

  • Rule 6.010. Scope

  • Rule 6.020. Purpose and Construction

  • Rule 6.040. Definitions

  • Rule 6.090. Direct and Indirect Criminal Contempt

  • Rule 6.100. Traffic Violations Bureau

  • Rule 6.110. Driver Improvement, Student Traffic Safety Council, and Substance Abuse Education Courses

  • Rule 6.130. Case Consolidation

  • Rule 6.140. Conduct of Trial [repealed]

  • Rule 6.150. Witnesses

  • Rule 6.200. Pleas and Affidavits of Defense

  • Rule 6.290. Withholding Adjudication Prohibited

  • Rule 6.291. Procedures On Withheld Adjudication In Driving While License Suspended; Costs and Enlargement of Time to Comply; Record of Convictions

  • Rule 6.310. Lesser Included Offenses

  • Rule 6.320. Complaint; Summons; Forms; Use

  • Rule 6.325. Speedy Trial: Infractions Only

  • Rule 6.330. Election to Attend Traffic a Driver Improvement Course

  • Rule 6.340. Affidavit of Defense Or Admission and Waiver of Appearance

  • Rule 6.350. Computation of Time

  • Rule 6.360. Enlargement of Time

  • Rule 6.380. Nonverification of Pleadings

  • Rule 6.400. Clerk to Prepare and Send Reports

  • Rule 6.445. Discovery: Infractions Only

  • Rule 6.450. Order of Hearing

  • Rule 6.455. Amendments

  • Rule 6.460. Evidence

  • Rule 6.470. Costs

  • Rule 6.480. Deferred Payment of Penalty Imposed

  • Rule 6.490. Correction and Reduction of Penalty

  • Rule 6.500. Entry of Disposition

  • Rule 6.510. Determination that Infraction Was Not Committed; Bond Refunded

  • Rule 6.520. Effect of Granting New Hearing

  • Rule 6.550. Official May Grant New Hearing

  • Rule 6.610. Failure to Satisfy Penalty Imposed After a Hearing; Reinstatement of Driver License

  • Rule 6.530. Imposition of Penalty Before Or After Motion Filed

  • Rule 6.540. Time For and Method of Making Motions; Procedure

  • Rule 6.575. Retention of Case Files

  • Rule 6.600. Failure to Appear Or Pay Civil Penalty; Reinstatement of Driver License