U.S. Virgin Islands Session Laws

from January 01, 1997
Last Document: January 01, 2019

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1897

July 17, 2023

  • Act 33-8255, B 109. An Act amending title 16, chapter 1, subsection II, sections 35 and 36 of the Virgin Islands Code by prohibiting the issuance of marriage licenses to persons under the age of eighteen (18)

  • Act 33-8268, B 200. An Act amending title 20, part II, chapter 43, section 493 of the Virgin Islands Code by increasing the punishment for driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquors or controlled substances

  • Act 33-8273, B 203. An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Total Auto Package, LLC for Parcel No. 128A Estate Submarine Base, No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

  • Act 33-8266, B 153. An Act making an appropriation from the District Public Road Fund to the Department of Public Works for the purpose of erecting "Keep Left" signage throughout the territory, establishing a "Keep Left" public information campaign, and mandating that all rental car agencies in the territory provide "Keep Left" signage and public information material in every rental vehicle

  • Act 33-8175, B 49. An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Rueben Liburd and Sylvia Liburd for Plot No. 4-LA VICORP Land, Prince Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands

  • Act 33-8194, B 140. An Act granting a zoning use variance for Parcel No. 84 Estate Diamond, Prince Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands to R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family) to allow for construction and operation of a beauty salon

  • Act 33-8210, B 146. An Act to amend Title 9, Chapter 22 ("The Uniform Money Services Act") of the Virgin Islands Code, by changing the license renewal period from biennial to annual for an authorized delegate of a money transmission, check cashing or currency exchange business

  • Act 33-8228, B 170. To provide for the lump sum appropriation from the Indirect Cost Fund for salaries, operating expenses and for other purposes, of the Office of Management and Budget, the Division of Personnel, the Department of Property and Procurement and the Department of Finance for the fiscal year October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8190, B 121. An Act ratifying the approval by the Governor of the Virgin Islands of Minor Coastal Zone Permit No. CZJ-16-18W issued to Robert Gross

  • Act 33-8202, B 82. An Act honoring and commending Robert O'Connor, Jr. for his commitment to the people of the Virgin Islands through his service as a Senator, his membership on the Port Authority Board and his work as a community leader by naming the new Port Authority maintenance building in his honor

  • Act 33-8213, B 149. An Act amending title 22 Virgin Islands Code to add a new chapter 20b entitled "Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act," requiring the Territory's domiciled insurers and alien insurers not doing business in any other U.S. jurisdiction to submit to the Commissioner of Insurance a corporate governance disclosure report in accordance with the accreditation standards established by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, and that all such reports and related documents shall be kept

  • Act 33-8238, B 180. To provide for an appropriation from the Tourism Advertising Revolving Fund to the Department of Education, Department Agriculture and Department of Sports, Parks and Recreation during the fiscal year October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8247, B 238. An Act amending Act No. 8215 by striking Section 6(b)(1), which provided that funds appropriated for outstanding employer's contribution would be available until September 30, 2020, amending Act No. 8123 by decreasing the amount appropriated for outstanding employer's contribution to the GERS and by amending Act No. 8123 by adding an appropriation to fund the increased employer's contribution for the time period of January 1, 2020, through September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8256, B 116. An Act amending title 32 of the Virgin Islands Code as it relates to the Virgin Islands Horse Racing Commission

  • Act 33-8286, B 260. An Act to rezone Parcel No. 19-2-104 Estate Smith Bay Nos. 1, 2, & 3 East End Quarter, St. Thomas, from A-1 (Agricultural Zone) to R-3 (Residential-Medium Density)

  • Act 33-8285, B 259. An Act granting a zoning use variance for Parcel Nos. 2A-1 and 2A Remainder Estate Bakkero No.5, Frenchman's Bay Quarter, St. Thomas Virgin Islands, to allow for hotel, restaurant and pool bar

  • Act 33-8284, B 258. An Act to rezone Parcel Nos. 42 and 67 Estate Smith Bay Nos. 1, 2, & 3 East End Quarter, St. Thomas, from R-3 (Residential-Medium Density) to B-3 (Business Scattered)

  • Act 33-8176, B 66. An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Victor's New Hideout, LLC for Parcel No. 179 Submarine Base, No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

  • Act 33-8196, B 194. An Act ratifying the First Renewal of Group Dental Health Insurance Agreement signed by the Governor on September 6, 2019

  • Act 33-8220, B 162. To provide an appropriation for operating expenses of the Business and Commercial Properties Revolving Fund of the Government of the Virgin Islands during the fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8229, B 171. An Act providing appropriations for operating expenses of the Virgin Islands Office of the Inspector General from the General Fund of the Government of the Virgin Islands durinf the fiscal year October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019

  • Act 33-8177, B 67. An Act amending title 19, chapter 34 of the Virgin Islands Code to extend the time within which the Cannabis Advisory Board must propose Rules and Regulations for implementation of the chapter

  • Act 33-8199, B 11. An Act amending title 14 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 60, section 1191 relating to strengthening the loitering law and increasing the penalty for loitering

  • Act 33-8217, B 159. An Act providing approprations for operating expenses of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands, the Judicial Council and the Office of the Territorial Public Defender

  • Act 33-8239, B 181. To appropriate the sum of $4,000,000 from the Tourism Advertising Revolving Fund as a contribution to the General Fund for the fisal year ending September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8248, B 19. An act amending title 17, chapter 7, section 61a of the Virgin Islands Code regarding the school year and the amount of instructional hours per school year

  • Act 33-8257, B 117. An Act amending title 1, chapter 11 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding a new section 200k. establishing Virgin Islands Flag Day

  • Act 33-8287, B 263. An Act amending title 34 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding chapter 18 enacting "The Virgin Islands Medicaid Program Integrity Act"

  • Act 33-8282, B 208. An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Panyard People, Inc. for Parcel No. 92 Remainder Submarine Base, No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

  • Act 33-8270, B 207. An Act amending title 17, chapter 11, section 121 of the Virgin Islands Code by requiring persons teaching children in kindergarten-4 through third grade to have specific early childhood education requirements outlined by the Board of Education, thereby ensuring that primary grade students are receiving a quality education; requiring the Board of Education to promulgate rules and regulations to support the criteria for the minimum requirements; and providing funding for early childhood educator

  • Act 33-8178, B 70. An Act authorizing the Governor of the Virgin Islands to secure a revolving credit facility in an amount not to exceed $80,000,000 to pay service providers, pending the receipt and disbursement of funds, and to pay other outstanding obligations

  • Act 33-8197, B 84. An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and Fabien's Trucking, LLC for the leasing of Parcel No. 149C Submarine Base, No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

  • Act 33-8221, B 163. To provide an appropriation for operating expenses of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles of the Government of the Virgin Islands during the fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 20, 2020

  • Act 33-8230, B 172. An Act to appropriate the sum of $5,000,000 from the V.I. Insurance Guaranty Fund as a contribution to the General Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8189, B 120. An Act ratifying the approval by the Governor of the Virgin Islands of Major Coastal Zone Permit No. CZT-7-18(W) issued to the Virgin Islands Port Authority and the West Indian Company, Ltd

  • Act 33-8204, B 86. An Act amending title 19 of the Virgin Islands Code by inserting a new chapter 52, section 1350 requiring all restaurants and establishments that sell food to post signs that demonstrate appropriate first aid for choking

  • Act 33-8218, B 160. To appropriate monies from the Anti-Litter and Beautification Fund to the Waste Management Authority for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8240, B 182. To appropriate the sum of $11,500,000 from the Transportation Trust Fund as a contribution to the General Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020

  • Act 33-8249, B 33. An Act to add a new section to title 3, chapter 16 of the Virgin Islands Code, to reenact the Virgin Islands Tax Study Commission which will be tasked with reviewing the current laws and tax structure of the Virgin Islands for the purpose of initiating tax reform and maximizing revenue in a fair and impartial manner

  • Act 33-8258, B 119. An Act amending title 27, chapter 9, subchapter I, section 303(a) of the Virgin Islands Code requiring that an initial business license be issued within three (3) days of application

  • Act 33-8288, B 264. An Act appropriating $500,000 from the Internal Revenue Matching Fund to the Caribbean Drag Racing Association for infrastructure improvements at the St. Croix Motor Sports Complex, requiring that the Caribbean Drag Racing Association comply with the requirements under 2 V.I.C. §29

  • Act 33-8280, B 65. An Act requiring the Department of Agriculture to establish and implement a Well Drilling Unit Program

  • Act 33-8269, B 201. An Act amending title 20, part II, chapter 43, section 504 of the Virgin Islands Code by increasing the punishment for negligent homicide by means of motor vehicle

  • Act 33-8179, B 73. An Act amending Official Zoning Map. No. SJZ-7 for the island of St. John for Parcel No. 285 Estate Contant & Enighed, Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands from R-4 (Residential-Medium Density) to B-1 (Business-Central Business District)

  • Act 33-8200, B 40. An Act amending title 20, Part II, chapter 41, section 466, subsection (b) of the Virgin Islands Code to require each passenger in the rear seat of a vehicle to wear a safety belt

  • Act 33-8222, B 164. To provide an appropriation from the Caribbean Basin Initative Fund for fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019

  • Act 33-8231, B 173. To appropriate the sum of $1,100,000 from the interest earned on Debt Services Reserves as a contribution to the General Fund

  • Act 33-8184, B 30. An Act amending title 11, chapter 21, section 1213 of the Virgin Islands Code by requiring the annual renewal of trade name registration

  • Act 33-8195, B 193. An Act ratifying the First Renewal of Group Medical Health Insurance Agreement signed by the Governor on September 6, 2019, between the Government of the Virgin Islands through the Health Insurance Board of Trustees; the Virgin Islands Port Authority; the University of the Virgin Islands; the St. Thomas East End Medical Center Corporation; the Virgin Islands Housing Authority; Non-Profit Organizations defined as eligible by the Government; and Frederiksted Health Care, Inc.; and Cigna Health an

  • Act 33-8214, B 187. An Act amending the Virgin Islands Code, Title 22, Chapter 10, Section 237(a)(3)(A) and Title 33 Chapter 111, Section 3061 relating to the balance in the Insurance Guaranty Fund to amend the currently required $10,000,000 amount, which is set to increase to $50,000,000 on September 30, 2019, to $20,000,000