South Carolina Attorney General Opinions

from June 07, 1935
Last Document: June 17, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 6124

June 10, 2003

  • Opinion asking whether pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § [4-9-620], a county can appoint an individual as Administrator and contract the individual’s services and provide payment through a contract with a corporate entity wholly owned by the individual named as Administrator, under certain conditions.

  • December 04, 1975

  • AGO 1975-65

  • November 13, 1996

  • Opinion expressing concern regarding students who are expelled from school for having in their possession loaded firearms while at school.

  • November 05, 2008

  • Opinion regarding the closure of a potion of Lewis Drive in Anderson County.

  • October 10, 2013

  • Opinion as to whether the Governor has the power to appoint someone to replace a magistrate who resigned in April of this year when the Legislature was in session, but the Governor’s Office did not receive notice of the resignation until the legislative session had ended.

  • June 01, 1999

  • Opinion noting that recently the Department of Natural Resources has had correspondence with Mr. Ed Dixon concerning a renewal for his watercraft registration.

  • November 06, 1989

  • Opinion concerning the practice in some magistrate’s courts of drawing more than the required number of jurors and alternates for a trial in anticipation of having an insufficient number of jurors at trial.

  • October 30, 1985

  • AGO 1985-199

  • March 05, 2013

  • Opinion regarding the Blacksburg Police Department (the “Department”) seeking to utilize forfeited funds seized pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §§44-53-520, 530 to purchase specific items for the Department.

  • September 06, 2006

  • Opinion concerning dual office holding pertaining to serving both on the City of Tega Cay Council, and the Lake Wylie Marine Commission.

  • November 04, 2009

  • Opinion referencing proposed changes to the State uniform traffic ticket and requesting approval.

  • September 05, 1985

  • AGO 1985-250

  • April 10, 1989

  • Opinion concerning whether a dual office holding situation would exist if a member of the Chester County Mental Retardation Board simultaneously served on the Olde English Tourism District Commission.

  • March 16, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether a dual office holding situation exists if a member of the Darlington Housing Authority simultaneously serves as a member of the Darlington County Ambulance Commission.

  • April 14, 1972

  • AGO 1975-209

  • January 31, 1985

  • AGO 1985-262

  • February 29, 1988

  • AGO 1988-2

  • April 07, 2008

  • Opinion questioning whether there is a time restriction on when handicapped parking enforcement is permissible.

  • March 06, 1990

  • Opinion providing a review of prior opinions, nos. 85-122 and 79-108, which determined that a magistrate is without authority to order the expungement of criminal records.

  • October 07, 2009

  • Opinion as to the interpretation of section 56-15-60(B) of the South Carolina Code. Specifically, determining when the twelve-month period in which automobile manufacturers may conduct audits for sales, incentives, service incentives, rebates, or other forms of incentives commences.

  • October 12, 1989

  • Opinion advising that, in areas of this State devastated by Hurricane Hugo, an unusual situation exists in that there is a tremendous amount of fuel (i.e., fallen trees and branches) on the ground which will most probably be burned as a means of removal.

  • May 16, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether the appointment of two audiologists, one of whom is also a licensed hearing aid dealer, is proper pursuant to Section 40-25-40 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as amended?

  • July 23, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether a county treasurer may invest surplus funds in a certificate of deposit or in a no-end or open-end investment company or investment trust?

  • November 04, 2010

  • Opinion questioning the interpretation of a provision contained in Senate Bill 442. Specifically, “does the bill give county school boards the authority to allow the area advisory councils to hear cases pertaining to students in their school district.”

  • April 06, 2006

  • Opinion questioning whether the promotion of a forestry employee with the State Forestry Commission to the position of a “special law enforcement officer” would prohibit his wife from maintaining her bail bondsman license and operating a bail bond business.

  • November 15, 2004

  • Opinion questioning a particular individual’s eligibility to hold an elective office.

  • March 23, 1992

  • Opinion concerning a proposed ordinance purporting to establish certain retirement benefits for certain retired city employees or officers in a manner which seems to bind future city councils from further acting on the matter.

  • August 13, 1997

  • Opinion asking whether employees of the Pickens County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs are subject to the National Labor Relations Act.

  • September 22, 1988

  • AGO 1988-145

  • November 04, 2003

  • Opinion regarding whether a lay private guardian ad litem can also serve as a volunteer Guardian Ad Litem which is under the Governor’s Office Division of Guardian Ad Litem Programs.

  • January 27, 1987

  • AGO 1987-4

  • July 08, 2022

  • AGO 2471

  • January 14, 1991

  • Opinion regarding the situation whereby a licensed restricted lender moves an office to a different location without notifying the Board of Financial Institutions.

  • July 15, 1996

  • Opinion concerning “whether or not it is allowable for a municipality to pass an ordinance that allows the municipality to charge a $35.00 fee for the administrative costs that are associated with the processing of expungement orders.”

  • March 12, 1985

  • AGO 1985-126

  • September 15, 1988

  • AGO 1988-153

  • April 14, 1972

  • AGO 1975-205

  • September 05, 1989

  • Opinion regarding whether a school crossing guard is authorized to order compliance with traffic laws.

  • April 03, 1995

  • Opinion concerning the “three-tier” beer law, and its restrictions on giving, renting, lending or selling of any equipment between the three tiers of the beer industry (brewer, wholesaler, retailer).

  • August 14, 1975

  • AGO 1975-213

  • June 01, 1987

  • AGO 1987-163

  • March 03, 1975

  • AGO 1975-103

  • February 03, 1989

  • Opinion regarding whether a public school district superintendent or school board may choose private companies to operate their cafeteria and vending machines.

  • February 20, 1996

  • Opinion asking that the conclusion of an informal opinion issued on September 20, 1995, to the Honorable Dick F. Elliot be reconsidered. The referenced informal opinion informal opinion concluded that the language of S.C. Code Ann. §57-1-320(B) (1995 Cum. Supp.) meant that a district commissioner of the South Carolina Department of Transportation could not serve consecutive terms but would be limited to serving one term only, unless another commissioner’s term intervenes.

  • November 20, 1975

  • AGO 1975-39

  • January 18, 1988

  • AGO 1988-22

  • February 20, 1992

  • Opinion questioning the authority of Chief Magistrate McLeod to assign Magistrate Lynch to weekend duty in the Florence area, since such duty in Florence removes Magistrate Lynch from his usual work location.

  • March 13, 1975

  • AGO 1975-91

  • March 04, 2013

  • Opinion seeking the interpretation of S.C. Code § 30-4-40(a)(13) of the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”). Specifically, asking whether the above provision requires the disclosure of materials gathered to fill a governmental position for which there are three or more final applicants when an individual government employee is responsible for filing the position.

  • November 06, 1989

  • Opinion concerning provisions of free tuition to persons sixty years old.