South Carolina Attorney General Opinions

from June 07, 1935
Last Document: June 17, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 6124

October 03, 1986

  • AGO 1986-62

  • February 09, 1972

  • AGO 1972-82

  • September 16, 1992

  • Opinion concerning whether Act No. 434 should be amended to provide a filing period for school trustee elections.

  • March 03, 1987

  • AGO 1987-50

  • February 23, 1987

  • AGO 1987-55

  • August 18, 1986

  • AGO 1986-271

  • November 10, 1986

  • AGO 1986-80

  • January 16, 1986

  • AGO 1986-304

  • February 25, 1987

  • AGO 1987-53

  • April 09, 1987

  • AGO 1987-118

  • August 01, 2000

  • Opinion asking if the Municipality of Norway can provide police protection to certain property located outside the municipal limits.

  • March 31, 1987

  • AGO 1987-28

  • December 05, 1973

  • AGO 1973-522

  • April 01, 2005

  • Opinion requested an interpretation of S.C. Code Ann. § 16-23-420.

  • July 27, 1989

  • Opinion concerning whether there would be a conflict of interest for the wife or other member of the immediate family of a commissioned law enforcement officer to own, operate or manage a private detective or private security agency.

  • June 11, 1992

  • Opinion concerning whether a dual office holding situation exists if a deputy sheriff simultaneously serves as a member of the North Spartanburg Fire District Commission.

  • July 26, 2007

  • Opinion questioning the legality of several budgeting issues within the School District of Fairfield County.

  • February 08, 1989

  • Opinion concerning the “propriety and legality” of certain actions taken by Solicitor Donald V. Myers.

  • January 19, 1998

  • Opinion concerning police jurisdiction between two municipalities.

  • December 10, 1997

  • Opinion asking: Can the Union County Council remove a member of the Board of Directors of the Union County Fair Association prior to the expiration of the term of such director?

  • December 10, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether Georgetown County Council has authority, pursuant to S.C. Code §4-9-145, to provide for the position of litter control officer to enforce a county litter ordinance.

  • December 20, 2007

  • Opinion regarding the interpretation of proviso 50.9 passed by the General Assembly during the last legislative session. “Can the Pharmacy Board be compelled to issue pharmacy technician certification to applicants that meet the intent of the Proviso?”.

  • June 11, 1993

  • Opinion questioning whether a county council must select three nominees from which an appointment may be made, or may a council select “up to three” nominees which would narrow the choices available.

  • August 16, 2002

  • Opinion concerning the referendum provisions of S.C. Code Ann. §§6-11-350. Specifically, “[i]n your opinion, is the wording submitted by the Metro Sewer Board proper… [and]… [i]f the wording remains as it was submitted and referendum passed, do you think that a legitimate challenge could be filed?”

  • December 09, 1986

  • AGO 1986-307

  • April 21, 1986

  • AGO 1986-283

  • December 18, 1986

  • AGO 1986-235

  • June 06, 1985

  • AGO 1985-81

  • August 25, 1986

  • AGO 1986-308

  • January 31, 1984

  • AGO 1984-27

  • August 31, 1984

  • AGO 1984-253

  • February 09, 1984

  • AGO 1984-57

  • September 23, 1985

  • AGO 1985-236

  • February 22, 1985

  • AGO 1985-82

  • June 20, 1985

  • AGO 1985-130

  • June 29, 1987

  • AGO 1987-137

  • June 20, 1985

  • AGO 1985-130

  • February 09, 1984

  • AGO 1984-57

  • September 22, 2010

  • Opinion concerning the Department of Employment and Workforce’s participation in a data warehouse initiative operated by the Office of Research and Statistics of the Budget and Control Board (ORS).

  • August 25, 1986

  • AGO 1986-308

  • September 24, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether the Oconee Omni Corporation may apply for reinstatement as provided in Section 33-14-220, “inasmuch as its name is not available” and addressing whether Oconee can apply for reinstatement and simultaneously file an amendment changing to a name that is available.

  • June 29, 1987

  • AGO 1987-137

  • December 18, 1986

  • AGO 1986-235

  • April 21, 1986

  • AGO 1986-283

  • September 22, 2006

  • Opinion concerning the deputy auditor for Greenville County.

  • September 24, 1999

  • Opinion concerning the limits which the First Amendment imposes upon school officials and/or a local school board in determining that a book in question should be removed from the high school library.

  • September 05, 2012

  • Opinion regarding our interpretation of the recently enacted Act 203 of 2012.

  • September 26, 2002

  • Opinion asking whether members of a volunteer fire department need a commercial driver’s license to operate an emergency vehicle.

  • September 25, 2009

  • Opinion as to the ability of the City of North Charleston to lease office space to its City Attorney.

  • August 31, 1984

  • AGO 1984-253