South Carolina Attorney General Opinions

from June 07, 1935
Last Document: June 17, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 6124

September 09, 1993

  • Opinion questioning whether counties and municipalities may utilize provisions of the Setoff Debt Collection Act, S.C. Code Sections 12-54-410 et seq. to collect delinquent debts owed as the result of charges imposed on individuals by a state magistrate’s or municipal court.

  • May 03, 1994

  • Opinion asking, “As part of their duties, can DHEC examine and consider past environmental compliance histories and records of industries and companies when they apply for permits, or must they ignore a prior history of non-compliance?”

  • June 23, 2005

  • Opinion referencing the provisions of S.C. Code Ann. § 30-9-75 (Supp 2004). Specifically, whether the nightly backup of your computerized indices by the County IS Department complies with Section 30-9-75 which would allow your office to stop the printing of indices.

  • October 26, 1994

  • Opinion regarding a business, Monte Carlo Productions, which would like to offer clients the opportunity to stage a casino theme party where guests would play typical casino games, but would not pay any fee.

  • September 04, 1985

  • AGO 1985-249

  • October 27, 1995

  • Opinion relating to property, casualty and title insurance and contains certain definitions regarding the adequacy of premium rates would be applicable to automobile insurance.

  • January 02, 1996

  • Opinion concerning the disposition of prisoners after being sentenced by the court of General Sessions.

  • April 10, 2007

  • Opinion concerning “whether the Department of Mental Health (DMH) may spend funds appropriated to it by the General Assembly to market the Bull Street property?”

  • February 06, 2012

  • An opinion regarding whether the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) prohibits a school district from sharing information on crimes committed in the schools with the sheriff’s department.

  • December 02, 2008

  • Opinion concerning the effect of the William C. Mescher Local Housing Trust Fund Enabling Act of 2007 (“the Act”) on the operations of the Trust.

  • June 18, 1984

  • AGO 1984-147

  • February 05, 2008

  • Opinion questioning the types of restrictions that a homeowners’ association may place on homeowners generally.

  • January 31, 1984

  • AGO 1984-18

  • January 22, 2008

  • Opinion clarifying our December 5, 2007 opinion, which concluded, “that the Town of Summerville may enforce its sign ordinance in state rights of way”.

  • August 01, 2007

  • Opinion interpreting section 59-21-420(b) of the South Carolina Code. Specifically, “must the State Board of Education actually hear an appeal, or is the statute satisfied merely by the submission of the request by a school district?”.

  • June 08, 1993

  • Opinion asking if the Colleton County Council may establish a separate school millage to fund the operational budget of the Colleton County School District.

  • August 08, 2011

  • Opinion questioning whether the Jenkinsville Water Company is a public body for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act and is subject to the Act’s disclosure requirements.

  • September 16, 2004

  • Opinion questioning whether the Anderson County Council is authorized to adopt an ordinance requiring that the Anderson County Auditor send two separate tax notices to Anderson County residents, one for county operations and one for school operations.

  • September 04, 1987

  • AGO 1987-180

  • November 30, 1995

  • Opinion asking whether and under what circumstances a hospital can waive the co-payments and deductibles that otherwise would be due from patients covered by various health benefit plans.

  • December 17, 2003

  • Opinion regarding several proposed town ordinances which you indicate would be useful to clean up certain areas of your town heavily affected by drugs.

  • August 12, 1975

  • AGO 1975-212

  • July 07, 1986

  • AGO 1986-150

  • June 25, 1975

  • AGO 1975-195

  • June 23, 1987

  • AGO 1987-139

  • June 04, 1990

  • Opinion concerning the constitutionality of H.3768, R-631, an act which regulates outdoor advertising signs.

  • February 25, 1986

  • AGO 1986-211

  • May 08, 2013

  • Opinion “concerning whether PEBA may legally authorize private employers to participate in the State Health Plan Provider Networks, which will allow these private employers to obtain the same rates for medical services that the State Health Plan has negotiated.”

  • October 14, 2010

  • Opinion questioning whether individuals who formerly only had to register biannually can now be required every ninety days if they come within the referenced classification.

  • April 23, 2009

  • Opinion as to “whether the Vander Linden case requires ‘weighed voting’ regarding the votes of the Dorchester County Legislative Delegation to recommend to the Governor an appointment to the Dorchester County Water Authority.”

  • April 17, 2006

  • Opinion concerning the filing, docketing, and indexing of an uncontested foreign judgment.

  • February 26, 1986

  • AGO 1986-212

  • March 07, 1996

  • Opinion asking, “Does a private club, which is operated for a profit by the owner and sells membership to the general public, qualify as a “nonprofit organization” under S.C. Code Ann. Section 61-5-20(3)?” Opinion also asks, if it does not qualify as a “nonprofit organization”, then is it legal to regulate hours and ensure the clearing of the establishment after hours?

  • February 20, 1986

  • AGO 1986-227

  • August 04, 1987

  • AGO 1987-197

  • June 10, 2009

  • Opinion questioning whether is it lawful to require parking stickers for parking at selected parks and recreation sites, and charging all nonresidents a fee of $150.00 for an annual parking sticker while residents of the City are not required to pay anything for the same parking privilege.

  • April 16, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether a municipality may impose a business license tax on a business, such as a temporary storage business, that is leaving a storage trailer at the location of another business that is subject to the municipality’s business license tax.

  • September 14, 1990

  • Opinion concerning the procedures to be followed to fill a vacancy on the Public Service Commission that has arisen due to the death of a commissioner.

  • February 26, 1996

  • Opinion referencing the conveyance of false information to a police officer pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. Section 16-17-725, specifically addressing how the law applies to written vs. verbal communication.

  • January 17, 2007

  • Opinion regarding S.C. Supreme Court decision Sloan v. Hardee, et al. and S.C. Code section 57-1-320 prohibiting a SCDOT Commissioner from serving a consecutive term of office.

  • March 12, 1990

  • Opinion concerning whether political subdivisions are required to have a balanced budget.

  • July 11, 1991

  • Opinion regarding whether the explanation of methods of contraception in comprehensive health education classes in the public schools must be confined to separate classes for male and female students even when the discussion of contraceptives is in the context of sexually transmitted diseases rather than pregnancy prevention.

  • October 28, 1985

  • AGO 1985-209

  • October 15, 1998

  • Opinion regarding: [a]s you are aware, many County Jails in S.C. are suffering overcrowding. At the same time, the S.C. Department of Corrections is making S.C. Counties wait approximately two weeks to send inmates sentence[d] to more than 90 days to the Reception and Evaluation Center.

  • October 25, 2010

  • Opinion concerning the powers of the Savannah River Maritime Commission, particularly as those powers relate to federally delegated responsibilities of state agencies.

  • December 03, 2007

  • Opinion concerning part of the Charter Schools Act of 1996, under section 59-40-70, an applicant who wishes to form a charter school must comply with provisions of sections 59-40-50 and 59-40-60 for a local district board of trustees to approve the application.

  • February 05, 2004

  • Opinion asking whether serving as the coroner for Colleton County and serving as the director of Colleton County EMS would violate the dual office holding provision.

  • October 15, 1997

  • Opinion requesting advice as to whether the consent provisions of § 59-19-250 (1976) apply to Lexington County School District Four when the Lexington County Board of Education has been abolished and its powers devolved upon the school districts board of trustees of that County pursuant to Act No. 601, 1994 S.C. Acts 6068.

  • June 21, 1991

  • Opinion concerning whether an attorney employed on a permanent basis by Richland County, who has been dismissed by action of the Richland County Counsel, may process his complaint through the Richland County employee grievance process.

  • November 12, 2013

  • Opinion regarding the impact the recently passed, Equal Access to the Ballot Act, which you reference as S.2, “has on political parties who nominate candidates through the convention process.”