Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 22908

January 01, 2003

  • Section 15-19-23. Time Allowed For Redemption From Sale of Real Property -- Foreclosure Provisions Unaffected

  • Section 15-19-17. Title Acquired By Purchaser of Real Property -- Right of Redemption

  • Section 15-19-16. Real Property Sale Terminated When Sufficient Amount Raised

  • Section 15-19-19. Certificate of Sale Issued to Purchaser of Real Property -- Contents -- Execution and Recording -- Prima Facie Evidence

  • Section 15-19-20. Return of Sale of Real Property -- Contents

  • Section 15-19-17.1. Debtor Entitled to Harvest Crops Planted Prior to Issuance of Deed

  • Section 15-19-24. Sheriff's Deed to Real Property Sold

  • Section 15-19-27. Purchaser's Recovery of Damages For Injury to Real Property After Sale and Before Possession Delivered

  • Section 15-19-25. Contents, Execution and Recording of Sheriff's Deed

  • Section 15-19-26. Sheriff's Deed As Evidence of Legality of Proceedings -- Title Vested In Grantee

  • Section 15-19-28. Demand By Officer Making Sale of Advance Payment of Publication Fees

  • Section 15-19-32. Postponement of Sale By Sheriff

  • Section 15-19-22. Confirmation of Sale of Real Property -- Recitals In Court Order

  • Section 15-19-35. Application of Proceeds of Sale

  • Section 15-19-34. Termination of Sale When Sufficient Money Raised

  • Section 15-19-29. Sales Permitted Within Organized County -- Sales Required to Be Held At Courthouse

  • Section 15-19-31. Adjournment of Sales to Following Day

  • Section 15-19-33. Officers Not to Purchase At Sale

  • Section 15-19-30. Designation By County Commissioners of Places For Sales In Unorganized Counties

  • Section 15-19-36. Cancellation Or Endorsement of Instrument On Which Judgment Based -- Attachment to Return of Execution

  • Section 15-19-6. Property Within View of Bidders During Sale -- Designation of Place of Sale When Property Not Capable of Manual Delivery

  • Section 15-19-8. Publication of Notice of Real Property Sale

  • Section 15-19-9. Contents of Notice of Real Property Sale

  • Section 15-19-10. Time and Place of Real Property Sales

  • Section 15-19-11. Foreclosure Sale of Real Estate Situated In Several Counties

  • Section 15-19-12. Place of Sale of Real Property Where No Courthouse In County

  • Section 15-19-15. Order of Sale of Parcels of Real Property Designated By Owner Or Judgment Debtor

  • Section 15-19-13. Real Property Sold At Public Auction to Highest Bidder

  • Section 15-19-14. Distinct Parcels of Real Property Sold Separately -- Exceptions

  • Section 15-20-16. Recording By Register of Deeds of Order Appointing Receiver -- Destruction of Records

  • Section 15-20-17. Possession of Real Property Taken By Receiver

  • Section 15-20-18. Action By Receiver to Determine Adverse Claims to Property -- Order Prohibiting Transfer Pending Determination

  • Section 15-20-1. Order to Judgment Debtor to Appear and Answer After Execution Returned Unsatisfied

  • Section 15-20-7. Attendance of Witnesses Required -- Examination Certified By Referee

  • Section 15-20-4. Application of Procedure to Magistrate Court Judgments Filed In Circuit Court

  • Section 15-20-2. Order to Judgment Debtor to Appear and Answer On Refusal to Apply Property to Judgment

  • Section 15-20-3. Procedure Available Against Joint Debtors Not Served With Summons

  • Section 15-20-5. Arrest to Prevent Absconding By Judgment Debtor -- Undertaking Required -- Commitment In Default of Undertaking

  • Section 15-20-9. Self-incrimination Not Ground For Refusing to Answer -- Immunity From Prosecution

  • Section 15-20-19. Disobedience of Order of Judge Or Referee As Contempt

  • Section 15-20-20. Discharge From Imprisonment of Person Committed

  • Section 15-20-6. Appointment of Referee

  • Section 15-20-12. Court Order Applying Property to Satisfaction of Judgment -- Restriction On Application of Wages

  • Section 15-20-11. Concealment of Assets Or Transfers As Misdemeanor

  • Section 15-20-8. Examination of Witnesses and Debtor On Oath

  • Section 15-20-13. Court Order Forbidding Transfer of Property

  • Section 15-20-10. Witness Fees and Disbursements Allowed

  • Section 15-20-14. Appointment of Receiver For Debtor's Property -- Consolidation of Proceedings -- Control of Receivership

  • Section 15-20-15. Filing With Clerk of Order For Appointment of Receiver

  • Section 15-21-1. Grounds For Amercement of Officer Directed to Execute Writ -- Amount of Amercement