Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 2389

January 01, 2024

  • Rule 40.1. Commitment to Another District

  • Rule 38.1. Notation of Jury Demand

  • Rule 26.2. Protective Orders

  • Rule 9.6. Patent Cases

  • Rule 7.5. Habeas Corpus Petitions Under 28 U.s.c. Section 2255; Petitioner's Right to Reply

  • Rule 9.4. Cases Under Section 502(a)(1)(b) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (erisa), 29 U.s.c. Section 1132(a)(1)(b)

  • Rule 37.1. Motions to Compel

  • Rule 26.1. Discovery Plan

  • Rule 15.1. Motions to Amend

  • Rule 5.4. Filing and Service By Electronic Means

  • Rule 9.1. Social Security Cases

  • Rule 39.2. Continuances

  • Rule 7.1.1. Disclosure Statement

  • Rule 1.3. Sanctions; Relief From Failure to Comply

  • Rule 83.9. Provisions For Special Orders In Widely Publicized and Sensational Cases

  • Rule 54.2. Assessment of Juror Costs

  • Rule 56.1. Summary Judgment

  • Rule 55.1. Default

  • Rule 62.1. Bonds Or Other Security Staying Execution of Money Judgment

  • Rule 65.1. Draft of Temporary Restraining Order Or Preliminary Injunction

  • Rule 65.1.1. Sureties

  • Rule 67.1. Security For Costs

  • Rule 67.2. Deposit of Registry Funds Into Interest-bearing Account

  • Rule 67.3. Disbursal of Registry Funds

  • Rule 67.4. Form of Payment Accepted

  • Rule 67.5. Qualified Settlement Funds

  • Rule 69.1. Writs of Execution; Related Proceedings

  • Rule 72.1. Duties of Magistrate Judge

  • Rule 73.1. Assignment of Cases to Magistrate Judge

  • Rule 77.1. Clerk's Office

  • Rule 77.2. Orders By Clerk of Court

  • Rule 77.3. Filings

  • Rule 77.4. Bankruptcy

  • Rule 77.5. Agreement With Districts of Rhode Island and Maine

  • Rule 77.6. Communications With Judicial Officers

  • Rule 80.1. Record of Proceedings

  • Rule 81.1. Removal Actions

  • Rule 83.1. Bar of District Court

  • Rule 83.2. Practice By Persons Not Members of the Bar of This Court (a) Attorneys For the United States and For the Office of the Federal Public Defender

  • Rule 83.3. Conferred Disciplinary Jurisdiction

  • Rule 83.4. Promulgation of Disciplinary Rules

  • Rule DR-1. Standards For Professional Conduct

  • Rule 83.10. Courthouse Security

  • Rule 83.11. Pending Matters In Stayed Cases

  • Rule 83.12. Sealed Documents

  • Rule 83.13. Judicial Misconduct

  • Rule 83.14. Exhibits and Witness List

  • Rule 83.15. Courtroom Technology

  • Rule 83.16. Presentation of Electronic Evidence to a Deliberating Jury, Jury Evidence Recording System (jers)

  • Rule DR-2. Attorneys Convicted of Crimes Or Arrested For Crimes Involving a Deadly Weapon