Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1515

January 01, 2024

  • LR73.1 Magistrate Judges: Authority

  • LR74.1 Magistrate Judges: Objections to Non-dispositive Orders Or to Findings and Recommendations

  • LR1.1 Title

  • LR1.2 Effective Date; Transitional Provision

  • LR1.4 Definitions

  • LR5.1 Depositions: Transcripts Or Recordings

  • LR6.1 Computation of Time

  • LR16.4 Pretrial Conference

  • LR3.1 Complaints

  • LR1.3 Scope of the Rules; Construction

  • LR5.2 Sealing of Information Filed With the Court

  • LR5.4 Electronic Service

  • LR6.2 Extending Or Shortening Time

  • LR5.3 Electronic Filing

  • LR5.6 Proof of Service

  • LR12.1 Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 Motions

  • LR5.5 Service of Hard Copies of Documents

  • LR16.1 Parties' Duty of Diligence

  • LR4.1 Service of Process

  • LR16.2 Scheduling Conference

  • LR16.3 Scheduling Conference Order

  • LR16.5 Settlement Conferences

  • LR16.6 Motions In Limine

  • LR16.7 Status Conferences

  • LR17.1 Actions Involving Minors Or Incompetents

  • LR26.1 Conference of Parties

  • LR26.2 Written Responses to Discovery Requests

  • LR37.1 Enforcement of Discovery Requirements; Sanctions

  • LR40.1 Assignment of Civil Cases

  • LR40.2 Assignment of Similar Cases: Notice of Related Case

  • LR40.3 Motions to Continue Trial

  • LR41.1 Voluntary Dismissal

  • LR47.1 Research On Jurors Or Prospective Jurors

  • LR47.2 Jury Cost Assessment

  • LR51.1 Jury Instructions

  • LR52.1 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

  • LR54.1 Taxation of Costs

  • LR77.1 Sessions of the Court

  • LR77.2 Clerk's Office: Location and Hours

  • LR77.3 Ninth Circuit Court Library: Operation and Use

  • LR79.1 Custody and Disposition of Files and Exhibits

  • LR79.2 Search Warrants, Orders On Pen Registers, Orders On Trap and Trace Devices, and Mobile Tracking Device Warrants

  • LR83.1 Attorneys: Admission to the Bar of This Court; Change of Address

  • LR83.2 Attorneys: Practice In This Court

  • LR83.3 Attorneys: Standard of Professional Conduct

  • LR83.4 Attorneys: Discipline

  • LR84.1 Supervised Student Practice of Law

  • LR88.1 Mediation

  • LR99.1 Prisoner Actions

  • LR99.2 Court Forms