Corporation Counsel Decisions

from January 01, 2002
Last Document: January 01, 2012

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 295

January 01, 2006

  • Opinion 2006-6. The Records Disposition Committee - (3/9/2006)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-13. Request from Roy Figueiroa, General Manager, Makena Resort Corporation, For a Change in Zoning (PLU-37) - (3/9/2004)

  • Opinion 2004-5. Professional Services Procurement (PAF 03-098) (re: legal services for advice and representation on water policy matters) - (2/11/2004)

  • January 01, 2005

  • Opinion 2005-23. Real Property Taxation of Transient Rentals (PAF 05-031) - (12/9/2005)

  • January 01, 2006

  • Opinion 2006-4. Conditional Permit for &#34Hale Hookipa Inn&#34 (Makawao) (LU-26); District Boundary Amendment, Change in Zoning, and Conditional Permit For &#34Banyan Tree Bed & Breakfast&#34 (Makawao) (LU-40) - (2/6/2006)

  • January 01, 2005

  • Opinion 2005-5. Resignation of Donavan R. Kealoha From the Lanai Planning Commission (COW-7) - (2/3/2005)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-24. Preliminary Review Questions From the April 8, 2003 Meeting (CC-04)(BF-1) (DWS Proposed Budget Issues for FY04) - (5/7/2003)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-32. Amendment to the Grant of a Lease of Real Property to Lahaina Restoration Foundation (COW-12) (re: request for lease extension) - (10/27/2004)

  • January 01, 2007

  • Opinion 2007-24. Park Dedications Semiannual Report (PED-32) - (9/14/2007)

  • January 01, 2009

  • Opinion 2009-4. Bill No. 2 (2009), &#34A Bill For an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.80B, Maui County Code, Relating to Deadlines for Council Action on the General Plan and Community Plans&#34 (PAF-038) - (2/19/2009)

  • January 01, 2006

  • Opinion 2006-17. Kuleana Ku&#39ikahi Case Update - (7/28/2006)

  • Opinion 2006-19. Return of Kahului Harbor Park to the State of Hawaii - (8/10/2006)

  • January 01, 2010

  • Opinion 2010-16. Affordable Housing Fund - (9/15/2010)

  • January 01, 2008

  • Opinion 2008-6. Community Plan Amendment For Frederic Constant Single-Family Residence (Kihei) (LU-46) - (3/17/2008)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-17. Molokai Cruise Ship and Letter from Earth Justice (whether the cruise ship is subject to SMA regulations) - (4/16/2003)

  • January 01, 2010

  • Opinion 2010-2. Bill Relating to Development on Steep Terrain (IM-34) - (2/4/2010)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-35. Request by Langley Productions to Ride-Along With Patrol Officers - (6/5/2003)

  • January 01, 2007

  • Opinion 2007-11. Change in Zoning For Dr. Riggs Roberts (Wailuku) (LU-22) - (5/1/2007)

  • January 01, 2002

  • Opinion 2002-37. Section 50-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes (Charter Amendment Proposals) - (10/31/2002)

  • Opinion 2002-39. Proposed Bill Amending the Fiscal Year 2003 Budget as it Pertains to the Department of Housing and Human Concerns (Senior Services Program) (BF-51) - (11/29/2002)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-18. One Day Per Diem for Appointees - (4/16/2003)

  • January 01, 2009

  • Opinion 2009-5. &#34An Ordinance Acknowledging the Reinstatement of the Hawaiian Kingdom Nation&#34 - (3/3/2009)

  • January 01, 2010

  • Opinion 2010-6. Nominations to Boards, Committees and Commissions (COW-2) - (4/30/2010)

  • January 01, 2005

  • Opinion 2005-24. Regulation of Hitchhiking Within National Parks - (12/20/2005)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-20. Maui County Code, Section 3.48.455 (re: exemption for elderly who move from own home to care home) - (5/24/2004)

  • January 01, 2007

  • Opinion 2007-29. Change in Zoning For the Maui Business Park Phase II Project (Kahului) (LU-49) - (12/18/2007)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-43. Public and Private Water Systems for New Subdivisions - (7/23/2003)

  • January 01, 2007

  • Opinion 2007-13. Percentage Requirement For 201H Projects (PAF 07-053) - (5/9/2007)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-21. Line Item Veto (re: reducing appropriations) - (5/27/2004)

  • January 01, 2006

  • Opinion 2006-20. Muolea Point Property; Lease to Non-Profit - (8/15/2006)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-9. Advisory Bodies; Sunshine Law Considerations (PAF 03-011) (re: applicability of the Sunshine Law to advisory bodies used by the Office of the Mayor to provide the administration with guidance on various matters) - (2/24/2004)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-51. Open Space, Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, and Scenic Views Preservation Fund (GR-17) - (11/5/2003)

  • January 01, 2009

  • Opinion 2009-1. Your Request For Legal Advice Relating to Matters Before the Board of Ethics (12/17/08 & 1/14/09) - (1/13/2009)

  • January 01, 2002

  • Opinion 2002-35. Impacts of OIP Letter No. 01-01 (PAF 01-288) - (10/29/2002)

  • Opinion 2002-5. Maunaolu Plantation Subdivision (PWT-60) Request Regarding Processing of Subdivision - (2/8/2002)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-10. Deputy Directors and Deputy Chiefs - (2/26/2003)

  • January 01, 2008

  • Opinion 2008-8. Curfew Exceptions (POL-30) - (6/3/2008)

  • January 01, 2006

  • Opinion 2006-22. Lanai City Project (PAF 06-104) - (8/30/2006)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-8. Estimated Water Service Charge; Service No. 1030560; Service Location 307 West Kuiaha Road - (2/21/2003)

  • January 01, 2008

  • Opinion 2008-11. Request for Opinion Regarding Applicability of Hawaii Revised Statutes § 46-24 to the Managing Director&#39s Salary - (8/6/2008)

  • January 01, 2010

  • Opinion 2010-10. Election of the Council (PAF 10-107) - (6/8/2010)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-31. Presentation on the Revised Pu`unoa Village Affordable Housing Project; Lahaina (HHS-8) (litigation that the Dept. of Public Works disregarded recommendations of Historic Preservation re valuable historical/cultural aspect of property) - (10/22/2004)

  • Opinion 2004-22. Emergency Fund (re: Bill No. 38, Draft 1 (FY 2005 Budget) and the establishment of an emergency fund) - (6/3/2004)

  • Opinion 2004-26. Exchange of a Portion of Makanoe Place Property, Makawao, Maui, Hawaii (PWT-20) - (7/8/2004)

  • January 01, 2002

  • Opinion 2002-28. Consideration of Traffic Light Request For the Intersection of Pi&#39ikea Street and Liloa Street in Kihei (PWT-12) - (9/5/2002)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-14. Authorizing Maui Electric Company, Limited, to Replace and Install Utility Poles on Lower Main Street, Waiale Road, Oihana Street and Nakoa Drive (PWT-20) - (3/10/2004)

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 2003-33. Employee Hiring (re: hiring of department director&#39s offspring in the same department) - (5/29/2003)

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 2004-35. Deferral of Improvements for William Goo Estate Family Subdivision (re: deferral of construction of water and roadway improvements requested by the Department of Fire and Public Safety) - (11/5/2004)

  • January 01, 2002

  • Opinion 2002-10. Outdoor Lighting Standards (S-OLS 1) - (3/6/2002)

  • Opinion 2002-14. Request For Legal Opinion Regarding Proposed Change in Contract Language - (3/25/2002)