Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law

Last Number: January 2023

University of Georgia School of Law
ISSN 0046-578X

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1435

  • Books Received

  • Table of Contents

  • Internal Colonialism and Humanitarian Intervention

  • Table of Contents

  • Index to Volume 19

  • Customs Valuation in the European Economic Community

  • Table of Contents

  • The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and Its Implications for Nafta: Public Citizen v. United States Trade Representative, 822 F. Supp. 21 (d.d.c.), Rev'd 5 F.3d 549 (d.c. Cir. 1993).

  • Neutrality, the Acquis Communautaire and the European Union's Search for a Common Foreign and Security Policy Under Title v of the Maastricht Treaty: the Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden

  • Book Review: El Conflicto Honduras - El Salvador Y El Orden Juridico Internacional. James Rowles. Editorial Universitario Centroamericana (educa). Costa Rica, 1980.

  • Conference Summary: Problems and Prospects of Trade With Eastern Europe and China

  • Books Received

  • The Standard Investment Agreement: Text and Comments

  • The Future of Canadian Federalism

  • Legal Aspects of Convertibility

  • Section 337 and the Gatt: a Necessary Protection or an Unfair Trade Practice?

  • The "changed Circumstances" Clause After the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties (1968-69)

  • Suggestions for the Limited Acceptance of Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice by the United States

  • "criminal Records" - a Comparative Approach

  • Current Legal Matters Affecting Central Banks

  • Book Review: Jubilee Book 1923-1973. Edited by R.j. Dupuy. Leyde, Holland: A.w. Sijthoff, 1973. Pp. 277.

  • Securities - Insider Trading - the Effects of the New Eec Draft Insider Trading Directive

  • Weather Modification: a Modest Proposal

  • The Changing Tide of Immigration Law: Equality for All?

  • The Concept of Fundamental Rights in European Economic Community Law

  • Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability

  • International Implications of the 1982 Merger Guidelines

  • Extending Decolonization: How the United Nations Might Have Addressed Kosovo

  • The Judicial Role in Extraterritorial Application of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Vesco

  • Concubinage and Union Libre: a Historical Comparison of the Rights of Unwed Cohabitants in Wrongful Death Actions in France and Louisiana

  • Constitutional Law - Rights of Aliens - Citizenship as a Requirement for Admission to the Bar Is a Violation of Equal Protection

  • Book Review: a Perspective on Labour Law. Ole Hasselbalch, Alan C. Neal, & Anders Victorin. Stockholm, London, New York: Transnational Publishers, 1984.

  • Environmental Law - Oil Pollution Control - in the Absence of Federal Preemption and Any Fatal Conflict Between Statutory Schemes, a State May Constitutionally Exercise Its Police Power to Provide for Cleanup of Oil Spillage and for Recoupment of Costs Concurrently With the Federal Government

  • Displaced Persons: "the New Refugees" (the Dean Rusk Award Recipient)

  • Declarations of Unconstitutionality in India and the U.k.: Comparing the Space for Political Response

  • International Law - Justiciability - Appellants Have Standing to Seek Injunction Against United States Trade With Southern Rhodesia, but Their Suit States a Claim Incapable of Judicial Resolution

  • The Development of Canadian Law on Trans-border Data Flow

  • Industrial Accidents, Natural Disasters and "act of God"

  • Admiralty - Jurisdiction - for Aviation Tort Claims to Be Brought in Admiralty, a Significant Relationship to Traditional Maritime Activity Must Be Shown

  • Table of Contents

  • History, Trips, and Common Sense: Curbing the Counterfeit Drug Market in Sub-saharan Africa

  • Books Received

  • European Economic Communities - Environmental Policy - Legal Basis and International Implications of Council Regulation on the Supervision and Control of Shipments of Hazardous Waste

  • Mental Capacity: Reevaluating the Standards

  • Table of Contents

  • Freedom of Transit and the Right of Access for Land-locked States: the Evolution of Principle and Law

  • Editors' Page

  • Book Review: Political Crime in Europe: a Comparative Study of France, Germany and England. Barton L. Ingraham. University of California-berkeley Press, 1979.

  • Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents