RAIL: The Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law

Last Number: April 2024

Full Court Press
ISSN 2575-5633

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 428

  • From Warhol to War on Hal: Copyright Infringement and Fair Use as Applied to Artificial Intelligence After the Supreme Court's Warhol Decision

  • Editor's Note Ai and the Law

  • Front Matter

  • A Brave New World for Software Medical Devices: Eu Regulations on the Horizon

  • The United Kingdom Diverges from the European Union in Its Proposed "pro-innovation" Approach to Regulating Artificial Intelligence

  • Table of Contents

  • Editor's Note Words, Languages, Algorithms, and Much, Much More

  • Unpacking Averages: Searching for Bias in Word Embeddings Trained on Food and Drug Administration Regulatory Documents

  • Domain-specific Languages and Legal Applications

  • Does a License to "make" a Patented Product Inherently Include a Right to Have a Third Party Make the Product or Its Components?

  • Copyright Office Seeking Comment on Human Authorship Requirements for Ai-generated Works

  • About Full Court Press

  • Front Matter

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Settlement Challenging Simple Algorithm Provides Warning for Employers Using Artificial Intelligence

  • Sentient Artificial Intelligence and the Rule of Law

  • To Bot or Not to Bot: Sec's Proposed Conflict Rules May Stifle Use of Innovation

  • Will Indemnification Commitments Address Market Demands in Ai?

  • Landmark Law on Artificial Intelligence Is Approved by the European Parliament

  • Editor's Note Landmark

  • Front Matter

  • About Full Court Press

  • Generative Ai Is Staying Top of Mind

  • California's Sb-1047: Understanding the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Systems Act

  • Drafting Ai Clauses: Five Tips

  • Table of Contents

  • Will Ai Destroy the Dmca Copyright Compromise?

  • U.s. Department of Justice Puts Ai in the Hot Seat

  • Considerations for Employers Using Artificial Intelligence