Georgia State Law Reviews

Last Number: June 2023

Georgia State University College of Law
ISSN 8755-6847

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 945

  • Hb 146: Paid Parental Leave

  • City of Warsaw and Its Surroundings: Management Problems and Political Quarrels

  • Hb 112: Extension of the Pandemic Business Safety Act

  • Pandemic Policing

  • Sb 33: Civil Cause of Action Against Human Traffickers

  • Education Definitions for the Parameters of Georgia's Hope Scholarship: Amend Certain Definitions Relating to Hope Scholarships and Grants; Limit the Number of Quarter or Semester Hours for Which Hope Scholarships May Be Received at Public and Private Postsecondary Institutions; Provide for Students in Professional Level Programs; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes

  • Table of 2021 Georgia Code Sections Affected

  • House and Senate Bill Index

  • Sb 301 - Wills, Trusts, and Administration of Estates

  • Member Masthead

  • Table of Contents

  • Faculty Masthead

  • Education Elementary and Secondary Education: Amend Part 3 of Article 16 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Student Health in Elementary and Secondary Education, So as to Require Immunization Against the Human Papillomavirus for Female Students Entering the Sith Grade; Provide for a Beginning Date for Certain Requirements; Provide for a Sunset for Certain Requirements; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Law; and for Other Purposes

  • Schauer on Precedent in the U.s. Supreme Court

  • "official Immunity" in Local Government Law: a Quantifiable Confrontation

  • Table of Contents

  • The Vacancies Act and an Acting Attorney General

  • In Defense of the Psabe, and Other "alternative" Thoughts

  • Borrowing from Millennials to Pay Boomers: Can Tax Policy Create Sustainable Intergenerational Equity?

  • Divorcing the Husband and Wife Business: an Analysis and Critique of I.r.c. § 761(f)

  • Why Georgia Should Get Off the Bench and Profit from the Inevitability of Sports Betting

  • Postscript on Health Care Dispute Resolution: Conflict Management and the Role of Culture

  • Copyright Registration: Why the U.s. Should Berne the Registration Requirement

  • Defending Against a Charge of Obscenity in the Internet Age: How Google Searches Can Illuminate Miller's "contemporary Community Standards"

  • From Photocopying to Object-copying in the Classroom: 3d Printing and the Need for Educational Fair Use in Patent Law

  • Civil Practice Reform Civil Practice: Amend Article 3 of Chapter 11 of Title 9 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to the “civil Practice Act,” So as to Change Provisions Relating to Civil Practice; Provide for the Appointment of Special Masters; Provide for Authority; Provide for Orders and Reports; Provide for Procedure; Provide for Compensation; Provide for a Stay of Discovery When a Motion to Dismiss Is Filed; Provide for Related Matters; Provide for Effective Dates and Applicability; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes.

  • Crimes and Offenses Offenses Against Public Order and Safety: Provide a Short Title; Amend Part 1 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Dangerous Instrumentalities and Practices, So as to Provide for a Felony for Soliciting, Persuading, Encouraging, or Enticing Any Dealer to Transfer or Otherwise Convey a Firearm to Anyone Other Than the Actual Buyer; Amend Part 3 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to the Carrying and Possession of Firearms, So as to Change Certain Provisions Relating to Carrying Deadly Weapons to or at Public Gatherings; Provide for Constables to Carry Pistols in Publicly Owned or Operated Buildings; Exempt Constables from the Prohibition of Carrying Weapons Within School Safety Zones, at School Functions, or on School Property; Change Certain Provisions Regarding the Transportation and Carrying of Certain Firearms; Prohibit the Carrying of Firearms and Other Weapons Into Certain B

  • Hb 701 - Public Officers and Employees

  • Highways, Bridges, and Ferries Department of Transportation: Amend Title 32 Relating to Highways, Bridges, and Ferries, So as to Provide for a Division and a Director of Planning; Provide for the Development of Transportation Plans for the State; Specify Certain Duties for the Commissioner of Transportation; Specify Certain Duties for the State Transportation Board; Provide for an Organizational Structure Within the Department; Provide a Timetable for Completion and Reporting of Transportation Plans; Provide for Investment Policies to Guide Transportation Planning; Provide for the Appointment of the Director of Planning; Provide for Identifying and Constructing Projects With Private Investment; Provide for Priority of Expenditures; Provide for the Development of Allocation Formulas for Available Funding; Amend Article 2 of Chapter 32 of Title 50, Relating to the Jurisdiction of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, So as to Remove a Planning Function of the Authority; Provide for Related Matters; Pro

  • Insurance Individual Health Insurance Coverage

  • No Pets Allowed: the Need to Address Increasing Abuses of Assistance Animal Regulations Under Federal Law

  • Education Elementary and Secondary Education: Amend the "quality Basic Education Act"; Provide for Legislative Findings; Provide for the Establishment of the "georgia Master Teacher Program"; Provide for the Establishment of Criteria for Master Teacher Certification; Provide for the Establishment of Rules and Regulations by the Professional Standards Commission; Revise Certain Provisions Relating to Salary Increases for Persons Receiving Certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards; Provide for the Establishment of the "academic Coach Program"; Provide for the Establishment of Rules and Regulations by the State Board of Education; Provide for the Employment of an Academic Coach by a Public School in Accordance With a School Improvement Plan; Provide for Monetary and Other Incentives for Academic Coaches; Provide for the Establishment of a Master Teacher and Academic Coach Implementation Committee; Provide for the Composition, Duties, and Duration of the Committee; Provide for Autom

  • Education Elementary and Secondary Education: Amend Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Elementary and Secondary Education, So as to Provide for Legislative Findings and Intent; Provide for Definitions; Establish the Georgia Charter Schools Commission; Provide for Its Powers and Duties; Provide for Commission Charter Schools; Provide for Cosponsors; Provide for Petitions and Review; Provide for Petitions from Existing Charter Schools; Provide for Access to Information for Parents; Provide for an Annual Report; Provide for Debts of Commission Charter Schools; Provide for Funding for Commission Charter Schools; Provide for Collaboration by the Commission With the Department of Education; Provide for Rules and Regulations; Provide for Application of General Charter School Laws; Provide for Retention of Administrative Fees by a Local Board of Education for Newly Approved Local Charter Schools; Provide for Additional Qbe Funding for Full-time Equivalent Students in System C

  • Criminal Procedure Sentence and Punishment: Amend Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to the Death Penalty Generally, So as to Provide That the Death Penalty May Be Imposed Where the Jury Finds at Least One Aggravating Circumstance but Is Unable to Reach a Unanimous Verdict as to the Sentence, Taking Into Account the Vote of the Jurors Under Certain Circumstances; Change Provisions Relating to the Requirement of a Jury Finding of Aggravating Circumstance and Recommending the Death Penalty; Provide for an Effective Date and Applicability; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes

  • Education Hb 326

  • Sb 17 - Alcoholic Beverages

  • Earthquakes in the Oilpatch: the Regulatory and Legal Issues Arising Out of Oil and Gas Operation Induced Seismicity

  • Highways and Bridges Hb 179

  • Social Distancing as a Privilege: Assessing the Impact of Structural Disparities on the Covid-19 Crisis in the Black Community

  • Hb 159 - Domestic Relations

  • A Promise Unfulfilled: Challenges to Georgia's Death Penalty Statute Post-furman

  • In Memoriam

  • The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities and Its Implications for the Rights of Elderly People Under International Law

  • The Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act's One-year Filing Deadline on Applications for Asylum: the Narrow Interpretation and Application of Exceptions to the Filing Deadline

  • Hb 121 - Property, Wills, Trusts, and Estates

  • Unbefriended and Unrepresented: Better Medical Decision Making for Incapacitated Patients Without Healthcare Surrogates

  • Baby Doe at Twenty Five

  • Intellectual Property, Free Trade Agreements and Economic Development

  • Doomed Steamers and Merged Fires: the Problem of Preempted Innocent Threats in Torts

  • Health Standards for Sewage Management Systems: Provide for the Continued Use and Installation of All On-site Sewage Management System; Authorize the Department of Human Resources to Adopt State-wide Regulations for On-site Sewage Management Systems; Repeal the Definition of "prior Approved System"; Authorize the Department to Require Prior Examination and Approval of Such Systems Before Use in Georgia; Provide for a Reduction in Trench Length Under Certain Circumstances; and for Other Purposes