Socialist Lawyer

from February 2011
Last Number: January 2021

Pluto Journals
ISSN 2055-5369

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 734

July 01, 2012

  • Video shows state collusion with violent Israeli settlers

  • January 01, 2020

  • A Marxism for millennials that delivers

  • A hell of a ride

  • October 01, 2014

  • Union links always strong

  • July 01, 2012

  • Haiti cholera victims sue the UN: Bill Bowring reports on an unprecedented petition against the United Nations

  • June 01, 2013

  • Court interpreters

  • January 01, 2020

  • Stop This Extradition

  • October 01, 2011

  • The cases of Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda

  • February 01, 2016

  • Inspiring interviews and articles about fighting back

  • Yes we can!

  • October 01, 2018

  • When life imitates art

  • January 01, 2021

  • Reclaiming the night: Images from 13th March at Clapham Common

  • January 01, 2020

  • How can we shape the way the country is run?

  • January 01, 2021

  • A war on arms sales

  • February 01, 2015

  • Assault on welfare goes on

  • October 01, 2014

  • Gerry Conlon: Gareth Peirce on the death of Gerry Conlon; and why Gerry's life is a reminder that wrongful convictions happen everywhere, by Michael Naughton

  • February 01, 2014

  • 6th January: an effective job of countering ‘fat-cat’ image

  • June 01, 2016

  • Love in the time of bigotry: Haldane hears the case for conditional consent

  • February 01, 2011

  • Civil liberties and the Con-dems: Amidst the control orders squabble, Conor Gearty asks: who really runs the country?

  • January 01, 2020

  • ‘They will lie and trick you’

  • February 01, 2017

  • Whitewashing justice: why is the system so prejudiced?

  • October 01, 2019

  • Lethal material

  • June 01, 2017

  • Under the radar: the impact of immigration detention

  • January 01, 2020

  • Societal change

  • A triad of dominion that must be fought simultaneously

  • June 01, 2017

  • Back Matter

  • January 01, 2020

  • Ian Macdonald QC 1939–2019: a tribute

  • July 01, 2012

  • Egypt: defending the revolution: Taimour Lay looks at the role lawyers are playing both for and against the military regime

  • June 01, 2017

  • Pupillage and the politics of mental ill-health

  • January 01, 2021

  • Obituary: David Graeber and why we need to #CancelTheDebt

  • February 01, 2014

  • Doing less than nothing about zero-hour contracts

  • June 01, 2014

  • What can we learn from the European elections? It wasn't just the far right that did well, shows Siobhán Lloyd

  • October 01, 2012

  • Spain: Repression and legal reforms to prevent protests

  • February 01, 2012

  • Criminal justice system still fails the innocent

  • February 01, 2017

  • Chaos reigns as Donald takes the reins

  • June 01, 2014

  • Government in the dock: destitution and asylum: Sonal Ghelani on Refugee Action challenging policies which leave asylum seekers hungry and destitute

  • October 01, 2017


  • June 01, 2016

  • Shut it down!

  • October 01, 2013

  • Expertly done

  • October 01, 2014

  • Back Matter

  • February 01, 2012

  • Colombian jailed for defending human rights

  • October 01, 2017

  • Front Matter

  • February 01, 2019

  • ‘Advocates engaged and in solidarity’

  • June 01, 2015

  • Turning victims into criminals

  • Haldane a hit in Madrid

  • January 01, 2020

  • System Change for Climate Justice: Legal actions and activist lawyers

  • June 01, 2013

  • Chile: Salvador Allende 40 years on

  • June 01, 2017

  • ‘Trial of the century’ is no soft soap affair

  • February 01, 2013

  • Front Matter

  • February 01, 2017

  • Punishing the poor: the scandal of imprisonment for council tax debt