Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 28, HB 54 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the valuation of certain natural gas for taxation purposes; providing definitions; amending related provisions; providing reporting requirements; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 106, SF 19 – Importation of bees

  • Chapter 105, SF 74 – Special malt beverage permituniversity

  • Chapter 50, SF 116 – Oil and gas enhanced recovery-microbial conversion

  • Chapter 104, SF 185 – Wyoming energy commission (Sub #1)

  • Chapter 49, SF 120 – Workforce services and employment reorganization

  • Chapter 103, SF 6 – Liquor law amendments

  • Chapter 27, HB 30 – An act relating to courts; amending procedures for courts as specified; eliminating the duty of circuit courts to prepare affidavits for specified actions; correcting obsolete references; repealing qualifications for court reporters; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 48, HB 117 – Data processing services centers-tax exemptions

  • Chapter 26, HB 111 – An act relating to state lands; prohibiting the board of land commissioners from accepting conservation easements; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 25, HB 81 – An act relating to community colleges; modifying limits of capital construction projects subject to legislative and commission approval as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 24, HB 78 – An act relating to highways; providing for maintenance of county roads; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 23, HB 21 – An act relating to commercial vehicles; providing an increase in the oversize commercial vehicle single permit fee as specified; providing an increase in the overweight commercial vehicle per ton fee as specified; providing an increase in the minimum fee for an overweight vehicle permit; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 22, HB 16 – An act relating to special districts; changing requirements to allow enlargement without election; limiting taxing authority when districts have not properly mapped boundaries; requiring mapping only if a governmental entity levies or requires the levy of taxes; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 128, HB 24 – Registration fees-house trailers

  • Chapter 21, SF 68 – An act relating to judicial retirement; modifying certain retirement ages, required years of service and benefits; increasing total employer and employee contribution; providing for additional employer contribution and for potential payment by employee of contribution currently paid by employer on behalf of...

  • Chapter 127, SF 100 – Business ready community program modifications

  • Chapter 20, HB 36 – An act relating to notaries and notarial acts; adopting the uniform law on notarial acts; amending conflicting statutes; repealing the Wyoming Acknowledgment Act; repealing superseded statutes; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 126, SF 11 – Appropriation for the legislature

  • Chapter 19, HB 46 – An act relating to abuse of animals; increasing penalties relating to cruelty to animal offenses; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 102, HB 157 – State employees group insuranceretirees

  • Chapter 125, SF 79 – Education-student data security-2

  • Chapter 101, HB 156 – State employee travel expensesamendments

  • Chapter 18, SF 64 – An act relating to juveniles; clarifying that a child may be subject to return to court for violation of the terms of a court order issued by a juvenile court; requiring a timely interview of a child before an informal hearing to determine if the child should be held in detention as specified; requiring a...

  • Chapter 47, SF 24 – State investments

  • Chapter 124, SF 116 – Expungement of felonies

  • Chapter 123, SF 91 – Digital information privacy-task force

  • Chapter 100, SF 127 – Green River/Wind River water storage

  • Chapter 46, HB 79 – Establishment of private roads

  • Chapter 45, HB 62 – Wyoming Controlled Substances Act-amendments

  • Chapter 122, SF 41 – Select federal natural resource management committee

  • Chapter 121, SF 3 – School facilities-collaborative committee process

  • Chapter 44, SF 21 – Property tax exemption for nonprofit museum

  • Chapter 120, SF 64 – Public health nursing

  • Chapter 43, HB 133 – Special limited fishing permits

  • Chapter 42, SF 63 – Game & fish-donation of hunting licenses

  • Chapter 99, SF 160 – Fishing bait

  • Chapter 17, SF 61 – An act relating to school finance; modifying the schedule for recapture payments as specified; adjusting recapture district entitlement loan repayment; specifying application; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 119, SF 55 – Hathaway student scholarship program-award increase

  • Chapter 41, SF 77 – County officers removal from office

  • Chapter 16, SF 52 – An act relating to construction of statutes; specifying how reference to legislative salary or compensation is to be treated in statutes setting compensation for persons other than legislators; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 118, SF 80 – Real estate licensure-revisions

  • Chapter 15, SF 49 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a minimum of optional sales and use taxes required to be imposed by a county to receive industrial siting impact assistance payments; specifying legislative intent and applicability of act and providing for distribution of funds accordingly; and...

  • Chapter 98, SF 25 – Death penaltyaggravating circumstances

  • Chapter 14, SF 32 – An act relating to parole; authorizing the granting of "good time" for parolees as specified; authorizing sanctions for violating conditions of parole; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 97, HB 194 – County regulation of fireworkspenalties

  • Chapter 117, SF 10 – Work Release Act-repeal

  • Chapter 116, SF 83 – Oil and gas operations-bonding requirement

  • Chapter 115, SF 17 – Insurance-electronic delivery of documents

  • Chapter 40, SF 135 – University of Wyoming-federal mineral royalties