Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 169, SF 88 – An act relating to state lands; providing for signage indicating public access to state lands; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 58, HB 88 – Public retirement plans-qualified plan status

  • Chapter 168, HB 175 – An act relating to the board of respiratory care; creating a board of respiratory care; specifying membership; specifying duties and powers; providing for licensure of respiratory care practitioners; specifying requirements for licensure; providing exception; granting rulemaking authority; providing...

  • Chapter 167, SF 142 – An act relating to children; providing a safe haven for a newborn child; providing for the termination of parental rights; authorizing rulemaking; requiring reports; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 166, HB 300 – An act relating to federal natural resource policy; amending the federal natural resource policy account to allow legal action and other activities as specified; providing for retaining qualified practicing attorneys; providing for the investigation and initiation of legal action; providing the attorney...

  • Chapter 135, SF 36 – Insurance-publications requirements

  • Chapter 165, SF 125 – An act relating to cruelty to animals; providing for a felony offense if cruelty results in the death of an animal as specified; modifying elements of the misdemeanor offense of cruelty to animals; prescribing a penalty; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 134, SF 28 – Resident preference provisions

  • Chapter 57, HB 69 – Secretary of state-directives authority

  • Chapter 164, SF 59 – An act relating to school finance; establishing a cost-based adjustment to the education resource block grant model for vocational education; providing for grants to districts to assist with initiating and expanding vocational education programs; defining terms; imposing funding conditions and criteria;...

  • Chapter 133, SF 73 – Unemployment insurance-federal compliance

  • Chapter 163, SF 134 – An act relating to the Wyoming retirement system; authorizing investigators employed by the board of outfitters to participate in the law enforcement retirement system; amending a definition; conditioning implementation upon receipt of required payments and transfer of covered employees as specified;...

  • Chapter 132, SF 144 – Bidder qualifications-community colleges-2

  • Chapter 56, HB 60 – UPMIFA-expenditure limitation

  • Chapter 131, SF 78 – Active duty medical cost reimbursement program amendments

  • Chapter 55, HB 75 – Loss of parental rights-homicide of spouse

  • Chapter 130, SF 44 – First responder retirement account payment rules

  • Chapter 162, SF 98 – An act relating to state holidays; providing for the Juneteenth holiday as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 129, SF 105 – School capital construction

  • Chapter 54, HB 132 – Homicide during pregnancy-2

  • Chapter 161, SF 62 – An act relating to eminent domain; clarifying that the right of eminent domain may be exercised for electric distribution systems; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 128, SF 53 – Partition actions subject to subdivision laws

  • Chapter 160, SF 20 – An act relating to insurance plans; eliminating and repealing a limitation on organizing as a group for specified insurance coverage; requiring certain filing requirements as specified; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 53, SF 2 – Appropriation for the legislature

  • Chapter 159, SF 143 – An act relating to small employer health insurance availability; modifying index rate variations within a business class as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 52, HB 17 – Carbon sequestration-financial assurances and regulation

  • Chapter 158, SF 130 – An act relating to the state loan and investment board; providing for deferment of principal payments on small water development project loans as specified; providing for specified districts to defer principal payments on water development project loans under certain conditions; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 51, HB 70 – Vacant land

  • Chapter 157, SF 138 – An act relating to county commissioners; allowing election to increase or decrease commissioner membership; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 156, SF 135 – An act relating to elections; providing for special district election costs as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 50, HB 67 – Data processing center-sales/use tax exemption

  • Chapter 49, HB 101 – Electricity generated from wind-taxation

  • Chapter 48, HB 79 – Eminent domain-wind power collector lines

  • Chapter 127, SF 31 – Wyoming Veterinary Medical Practice Act

  • Chapter 47, SF 66 – Industrial siting amendments

  • Chapter 155, SF 108 – An act relating to the dissolution of marriage; making financial information provided by parties for child support confidential; removing parties' social security numbers from divorce decrees; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 46, SF 48 – Licensure of midwives

  • Chapter 154, SF 106 – An act relating to public utilities; modifying net electrical metering for customer generators as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 45, HB 77 – Youth archery licenses

  • Chapter 153, SF 104 – An act relating to Wyoming public television; creating the Wyoming public television council as specified; specifying membership and duties; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 44, HB 34 – Referendum on adopted ordinance-petitions

  • Chapter 126, SF 11 – Circuit court magistrates

  • Chapter 152, SF 111 – An act relating to Wyoming public television; providing for the oversight of Wyoming public television to assist Wyoming public television to provide a statewide system for dissemination of educational, cultural and information programming for residents of the state as specified; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 125, SF 7 – Conservation districts-special expertise

  • Chapter 43, HB 19 – Mandatory savings accounts for inmates

  • Chapter 151, HB 261 – An act relating to insurance; requiring the Wyoming health care commission with the support of the insurance commissioner to conduct a study to establish a joint underwriting association for purposes of providing medical malpractice insurance; imposing study and reporting requirements; providing for an...

  • Chapter 124, SF 22 – Uniform Consumer Credit Code amendments

  • Chapter 42, HB 20 – Criminal street gangs

  • Chapter 150, HB 225 – An act relating to the sale of tobacco products; providing for the regulation of licensed tobacco wholesalers as specified; specifying duties of the department of revenue and the attorney general; establishing licensing and certification requirements and a directory; authorizing seizure and destruction of...

  • Chapter 41, HB 84 – Gold star license plates