U.S. Public Laws

from January 01, 1989
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 7274

July 14, 2023

  • PL 110-225, HR 5472 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2650 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, as the "Julia M. Carson Post Office Building".

  • PL 109-309, HR 4841 – To amend the Ojito Wilderness Act to make a technical correction.

  • PL 108-335, HR 4850 – Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes.

  • PL 110-197, SJR 25 – A joint resolution providing for the appointment of John W. McCarter as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

  • PL 108-430, HR 1630 – To revise the boundary of the Petrified Forest National Park in the State of Arizona, and for other purposes.

  • PL 104-132, S 735 – A bill to prevent and punish acts of terrorism, and for other purposes.

  • PL 109-207, S 2064 – A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 122 South Bill Street in Francesville, Indiana, as the Malcolm Melville "Mac" Lawrence Post Office.

  • PL 108-306, HR 5008 – To provide an additional temporary extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 through September 30, 2004, and for other purposes.

  • PL 109-264, HR 4019 – To amend title 4 of the United States Code to clarify the treatment of self-employment for purposes of the limitation on State taxation of retirement income.

  • PL 104-131, HJR 175 – Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1996, and for other purposes.

  • PL 108-328, HR 2771 – To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to reauthorize the New York City Watershed Protection Program.

  • PL 104-230, HR 3710 – To designate a United States courthouse located in Tampa, Florida, as the "Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse".

  • PL 108-313, HR 1521 – To provide for additional lands to be included within the boundary of the Johnstown Flood National Memorial in the State of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes.

  • PL 103-92, HJR 220 – To designate the month of August as "National Scleroderma Awareness Month", and for other purposes.

  • PL 104-168, HR 2337 – To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for increased taxpayer protections.

  • PL 108-372, HR 2714 – To reauthorize the State Justice Institute.

  • PL 103-75, HR 2667 – Making emergency supplemental appropriations for relief from the major, widespread flooding in the Midwest for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.

  • PL 104-216, HR 3553 – To amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to authorize appropriations for the Federal Trade Commission.

  • PL 108-417, HR 1113 – To authorize an exchange of land at Fort Frederica National Monument, and for other purposes.

  • PL 112-151, HR 205 – HEARTH Act of 2012

  • PL 103-112, HR 2518 – Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.

  • PL 103-369, S 2406 – A bill to amend title 17, United States Code, relating to the definition of a local service area of a primary transmitter, and for other purposes.

  • PL 112-101, S 1710 – A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 222 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, as the James M. Fitzgerald United States Courthouse

  • PL 103-93, S 184 – A bill to provide for the exchange of certain lands within the State of Utah, and for other purposes.

  • PL 112-93, HR 3801 – Ultralight Aircraft Smuggling Prevention Act of 2012

  • PL 104-8, HR 1345 – To eliminate budget deficits and management inefficiencies in the government of the District of Columbia through the establishment of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority, and for other purposes.

  • PL 103-91, HR 873 – Entitled: "Gallatin Range Consolidation and Protection Act of 1993".

  • PL 112-124, HR 2415 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 11 Dock Street in Pittston, Pennsylvania, as the "Trooper Joshua D. Miller Post Office Building"

  • PL 103-390, HR 4896 – To grant the consent of the Congress to the Kansas and Missouri Metropolitan Culture District Compact.

  • PL 109-228, HR 5037 – To amend titles 38 and 18, United States Code, to prohibit certain demonstrations at cemeteries under the control of the National Cemetery Administration and at Arlington National Cemetery, and for other purposes.

  • PL 112-139, S 997 – East Bench Irrigation District Water Contract Extension Act

  • PL 103-392, HR 4950 – To extend the authorities of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and for other purposes.

  • PL 103-131, SJR 78 – A joint resolution designating the beach at 53 degrees 53'51"N, 166 degrees 34'15"W to 53 degrees 53'48"N, 166 degrees 34'21"W on Hog Island, which lies in the Northeast Bay of Unalaska, Alaska as "Arkansas Beach" in commemoration of the 206th regiment of the National Guard, who served during the Japanese...

  • PL 104-160, HR 3364 – To designate a United States courthouse in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as the "William J. Nealon United States Courthouse".

  • PL 103-317, HR 4603 – Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995, and making supplemental appropriations for these departments and agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other...

  • PL 109-311, S 3613 – A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the "Major George Quamo Post Office Building".

  • PL 104-144, HR 2064 – To grant the consent of Congress to an amendment of the Historic Chattahoochee Compact between the States of Alabama and Georgia.

  • PL 108-385, HR 3706 – To adjust the boundary of the John Muir National Historic Site, and for other purposes.

  • PL 104-120, S 1494 – A bill to provide an extension for fiscal year 1996 for certain programs administered by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Secretary of Agriculture, and for other purposes.

  • PL 115-1, HR 39 – TALENT Act of 2017

  • PL 104-278, S 1970 – A bill to amend the National Museum of the American Indian Act to make improvements in the Act, and for other purposes.

  • PL 108-423, HR 4516 – To require the Secretary of Energy to carry out a program of research and development to advance high-end computing.

  • PL 104-108, HR 2111 – To designate the Social Security Administration's Western Program Service Center located at 1221 Nevin Avenue, Richmond, California, as the "Francis J. Hagel Building".

  • PL 114-329, S 3084 – American Innovation and Competitiveness Act

  • PL 108-334, HR 4567 – Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes.

  • PL 114-325, S 2854 – Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act of 2016

  • PL 104-178, HR 3215 – To amend title 18, United States Code, to repeal the provision relating to Federal employees contracting or trading with Indians.

  • PL 108-358, S 2195 – A bill to amend the Controlled Substances Act to clarify the definition of anabolic steroids and to provide for research and education activities relating to steroids and steroid precursors.

  • PL 104-113, HR 2196 – To amend the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 with respect to inventions made under cooperative research and development agreements, and for other purposes.

  • PL 108-437, S 1146 – A bill to implement the recommendations of the Garrison Unit Joint Tribal Advisory Committee by providing authorization for the construction of a rural health care facility on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota.