Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 671527

December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-510 Tax Rates For Individuals, Estates, and Trusts For Taxable Years After 1994

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-1110 Modifications of Gross, Adjusted Gross, and Taxable Income Calculated Under Internal Revenue Code

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-1610 Definitions

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-1710 Taxation of Part-Year Resident

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-2210 Taxation of Business; Determination Whether Entirely Or Partly Transacted Or Conducted Within State

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-2810 Deferral of Taxes On Income Attributable to Increase In Gross Income From Foreign Trading Receipts

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-3910 Estimated Tax Payments Form; Due Dates; Treatment of Excess Where Estimated Payments Or Withholdings More Than Tax Liability; Waiver of Penalties

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-4410 Taxable Years

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-4910 Persons, Corporations, and Other Entities Required to Make Tax Returns

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-6-5510 Certificate of Compliance As Prima Facie Evidence

  • S.C. Code § 12-8-10 Definitions

  • S.C. Code § 12-8-510 Parties Subject to Withholding Laws

  • S.C. Code § 12-8-1010 Withholding Exemptions and Exemption Certificates

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-8-1510 Inapplicability of Article's Provisions to Withholding

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-8-2010 Liability of Agent Failing to Withhold Or Pay Tax

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-10-10 Short Title

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-11-10 "Banks" and "Taxpayers" Defined

  • S.C. Code § 12-13-10 "Association" Defined

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-14-10 Short Title

  • S.C. Code § 12-15-10 Short Title

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-10 Short Title

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-210 Short Title of Article

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-510 Estates of Residents

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-710 Definitions

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-910 Tax Treatment of Certain Farm Or Business Realty; Filing Requirements; Additional Tax Upon Disposition Or Discontinuance of Qualified Uses of Property

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-1110 When Tax Is Due; Extensions; Filing Requirements; Interest

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-1370 Receipts

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-1510 Lien For Unpaid Taxes; Certificate of Release From Lien

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-1710 Sale of Real Estate For Payment of Tax Authorized

  • S.C. Code § 12-16-1910 Effect of Disclaimer of Property Interest

  • S.C. Code § 12-20-10 Definitions

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-10 Administration of Chapter; Rules and Regulations; County Officers Shall Assist

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-610 Imposition of Tax

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-1010 Definitions

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-1310 Additional Tax Levied; Rate

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-1540 Applicant For Certificate of Registration Shall Authorize Audit and Examination of Books and Records

  • June 03, 2024

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120 Repealed

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-2410 Definitions

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-2703 [Repealed]

  • June 03, 2024

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-2770 to 12-21-2809 Repealed

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-2810 Enforcement Rules and Regulations

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-3910 Short Title

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-5010 Short Title

  • S.C. Code § 12-21-6510 Short Title

  • S.C. Code § 12-23-10 Imposition of Tax; Rate

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-23-210 Municipal Privilege Or License Tax On Railroads; Maximum Allowable Amounts

  • December 06, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-23-310 Imposition of Tax; Rate

  • S.C. Code § 12-23-410 Imposition of Tax On Plays and Shows In Towns Or Villages Not Incorporated; Rate; Payment; Disposition

  • December 07, 2023

  • S.C. Code § 12-23-810 Tax On Licensed Hospitals

  • S.C. Code § 12-24-10 Recording Fee; Exceptions