Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1631

November 02, 2023

  • D.C. Const. art. VII § 716 Legal Investment

  • D.C. Const. art. III § 2 The Lieutenant Governor

  • D.C. Const. art. XVIII § 7 Agencies With Federally-Appointed Officers

  • § 612. Annual Budget For the Board of Education

  • D.C. Const. art. VI § 606 Adoption of Budget By House of Delegates

  • § 2. Composition of the House of Delegates

  • § 7. Enabling Legislation

  • § 1110. Voting Rights

  • § 3. State Economic Development Bank

  • D.C. Const. art. XII § 1201 Construction of Constitution

  • D.C. Const. art. V § 3 Absentee Voting

  • § 7. Vacancies

  • § 6. United States Senators and Representatives

  • § 2. State Depositors Insurance Fund

  • § 711. Sales of Notes

  • D.C. Const. art. IV § 2 Supreme Court

  • D.C. Const. art. VI § 604 Multiyear Capital Improvements Plan

  • D.C. Const. art. III § 3 The Attorney General

  • D.C. Const. art. XVIII § 6 United States Senators and Representatives

  • § 613. State of New Columbia Auditor

  • D.C. Const. art. IV § 401 Election; Qualification; Vacancy; Compensation

  • § 3. Qualifications of Members

  • § 3. The Initiative

  • § 1107. Debts; Assets; Records

  • § 1. Transportation

  • Preamble

  • D.C. Const. art. V § 1 Voting Eligibility

  • § 8. Compensation of Members

  • § 2. Initial Apportionment and Elections

  • § 3. State Economic Development Bank

  • § 107. Trial By Jury In Civil Cases

  • D.C. Const. art. III § 12 Executive Residence

  • D.C. Const. art. VI § 606 Adoption of Budget By House of Delegates

  • D.C. Const. art. II § 11 Legislative Immunity

  • D.C. Const. art. XVIII § 8 Transfer of Matters to the Attorney General

  • § 701. State of New Columbia's Authority to Issue and Redeem General Obligation Bonds For Capital Projects

  • D.C. Const. art. VI § 603 Multiyear Plan

  • § 4. Disqualifications

  • § 4. The Constitutional Convention

  • § 17. Abolition of Sovereign Immunity

  • § 3. Publicly Owned Utilities

  • D.C. Const. art. I § 1 Freedom of Association, Assembly, Expression, and Petition

  • D.C. Const. art. IV § 10 Retention Elections

  • § 9. Sessions

  • § 3. Initial Terms of Office of Delegates, the Governor, and Lieutenant Governor

  • § 7. Taxation

  • § 201. Legislative Power

  • D.C. Const. art. IV § 7 Judicial Nomination Commission

  • D.C. Const. art. IV § 404 Establishment of the Office of Attorney General

  • D.C. Const. art. II § 9 Sessions