Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 5209

November 03, 2023

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 91 [Temporary Tax to Provide Additional Funding For State Highways, County Roads, City Streets, Bridges, and Other Surface Transportation]

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 92 Review and Approval of Administrative Rules (Const. Art. 5,§42, Added)

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 93 Amendment of Initiative and Referendum Petitions (Const. Art. 5,§1, Amended)

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 94 The Arkansas Elected Officials Ethics, Transparency, and Financial Reform Amendment of 2014 (Const. Art. 19,§§28, 29, 30, 31, Added, Const. Art. 5,§§29, 30, Const. Art. 16,§§4, 12, Const. Amend. 70,§1, Const. Amend. 73,§2, Const. Amend. 80,§16(e), Amended, Const. Art. 5,§16, Const. Art. 19,§11, Const. Amend. 6,§6, Const. Amend. 9,§2, Const. Amends. 15, 43, Const. Amend. 70,§3, Repealed)

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 95 Terms, Election, and Eligibility of Elected Officials (Const. Art. 3,§13 and Art. 7,§53, Added; Const. Art. 5,§9, Art. 7,§§19, 29, 46, and Amend. 41, Amended)

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 96 Governor's Retention of Powers and Duties When Absent From the State (Const. Amend. 6,§4, Amended)

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 97 Job Creation, Job Expansion, and Economic Development (Const. Art. 12,§5, Amend. 62,§§1(b), 2, 5, 9, and Amend. 82, Amended; Const. Amend. 62,§3, Repealed)

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 98 Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016

  • Ark. Const. art. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF ARKANSAS OF 1874 § Amend. 99 Voter Identification (Const. Art. 3,§1, Amended)